Building trust, not just backlinks

Our white hat approach ensures that every link helps to build a trustworthy online presence that Google loves.

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White hat link building for long-term growth + peace of mind

Building white hat links can be daunting. It requires time, resources and consistent effort.

The wrong link could hurt your site, whereas the right link (from relevant + authoritative sites) could help your site.

Finding the right opportunities and then earning those links is the hard part…

Building white hat links is hard work

  • + 3 hours to research keywords and topics
  • + 5 hours creating high-quality link-worthy content
  • + 2 hours to find relevant sites to pitch
  • + 4 hours personalizing outreach emails
  • + 2 hours tracking placement of secured links
  • + 3 hours monitoring impact on rankings
  • + 1 hour disavowing any low-quality links
  • + too many hours waiting for responses…

= 20+ hours of effort

Now it doesn’t have to be this way

  • + 30 minutes to provide your target keywords
  • + 1 business day for our team to create content
  • + 0 seconds of your time finding relevant sites
  • + 0 minutes sending personalized outreach emails
  • + 0 hours tracking link placements
  • + 0 hours monitoring ranking impact
  • + 0 hours worrying about low-quality links
  • + too many hours waiting for responses…

= 1 hour for quality links

The solution? An effective white hat link building service.

Loganix have a dedicated team of seasoned link building specialists who research, evaluate, and acquire white hat backlinks for your site.

Or you can browse our huge list of backlink opportunities and filter by DR/DA, traffic, niche, price, turnaround time, and more:

Focus on your business while we build your authority, one quality link at a time.

Get White Hat Links

Trusted by sites
that don't link to just anyone.

Loganix is a trusted partner that always delivers. These folks understand SEO and they prove it with their work.
Nick Eubanks
From the Future
Loganix is smart, packs a punch and is built by a leader in the space.
Brian Dean
Loganix has a tremendous reputation in the world of SEO, and when SEO nerds praise a company, it really means something.
Chris Dreyer
Loganix saves us 30 hours a month—and tens of thousands of dollars we'd need to pay to hire someone full-time. Plus, they really care about getting it right.
Jerry Zheng

Frequently Asked Questions

What is white hat SEO?

White hat SEO focuses on providing high-quality and relevant content to improve user experience, while black hat SEO relies on unethical practices to manipulate search engine algorithms.

In the long run, it can be less costly and offers more consistent and long-term results compared to black hat SEO.

Examples of white hat SEO strategies:

  • high-quality content
  • earning authoritative inbound links
  • making the website easy to navigate and fast to load

Some may argue that black hat SEO can also be successful in ranking a website higher in search engine results, but it comes with the risk of getting penalized by Google.

Implementing white hat SEO strategies may require more time and effort compared to black hat SEO tactics, which may yield quicker results but can potentially harm a website’s reputation in the long run.

White Hat SEO Explained

What is white hat link building?

White hat link building involves natural and organic strategies that align with search engine guidelines.

Black and gray hat techniques can lead to penalties and harm a website’s ranking.

Three effective white hat link building tactics:

  1. Guest Post Outreach – creating content for other websites to earn backlinks, reach a wider audience, build brand authority, and strengthen domain authority.
  2. HARO (now HERO) – connects journalists with expert sources, allowing users to obtain high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites by providing valuable content.
  3. Building a Network – fosters positive relations with brands, influencers, and businesses to obtain quality backlinks, increase reach, boost SEO strategy, and strengthen site metrics.

These techniques focus on establishing genuine connections, providing valuable content, and following ethical practices to enhance a website’s link profile and SEO performance.

Some website owners may be tempted to use black and gray hat techniques for quicker results, but these methods carry a high risk of penalties.

Gray hat techniques may be less risky than black hat, but they still carry the potential for penalties and should be used carefully.

White Hat Link Building Techniques

What is the difference between white hat and black hat backlinks?

In SEO, white hat link building follows Google’s guidelines and aims to create a positive user experience, while black hat goes against these guidelines for quick and easy results.

  • White hat link building methods aim to create a positive and useful experience for web users by following Google’s guidelines.
  • Black hat link building tactics seek to gain quick and easy ranking increases, but can result in penalties and undermine a website’s ability to rank in the long-run.

If you want to minimize the risk of penalties from Google, go with white hat link building. It may require more effort and resources, but it’s worth it for long-term growth and peace of mind.

How to ensure the quality of the links?

When it comes to link building, it’s quality vs quantity.

This is especially important if you are wanting white hat links.

To protect our clients (and yours), we go beyond surface metrics and conduct a thorough, manual review that includes all of the following:

  • Domain & Hosting Details – As a first check, dangerous sites are eliminated by analyzing critical factors.
  • Core Metrics – Domains must meet, at a bare minimum, the following observable metrics (and several others).
  • Site History and Trends – To weed out gamed metrics, false authority, and sneaky spam, we also evaluate historical factors.
  • Manual Content Review – Our team manually reviews 5 – 10 recent posts for quality (readability, relevance, authors etc).

Learn more about our backlink quality process

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