What Is User-Generated Content in Marketing? (+SEO Benefits)

Aaron Haynes
Jun 30, 2024

Hand off the toughest tasks in SEO, PPC, and content without compromising quality

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User-generated content (UGC) is the modern word-of-mouth marketing, where your customers do all the talking. It’s the social posts, reviews, videos, and testimonials customers create about your brand—their unfiltered experiences, unfettered opinions, and creative expressions.

Content created by your customers, not your marketing team, is gold for building trust, engagement, and even SEO. Let’s explore this further…

Why UGC Cuts Through the Noise: The Authenticity Advantage

Readers, social media users, viewers…your customers are bombarded with ads and polished marketing messages every day. They’ve become skeptical and savvy and will sniff out inauthenticity from a mile away.

AI has added another layer of cynicism. From Google to social media platforms, it feels like nowhere is safe from automated content creation. But when it comes to real people sharing their real experiences, that’s sure to make your potential customers sit up and listen.

All of this underscores the power of user-generated content (UGC). Your customers crave it. So much so that 92 percent of consumers trust UGC more than traditional advertising.

Why? When real customers rave about your product or service, share photos using it, or leave glowing reviews, it’s a powerful endorsement. In your customers’ eyes, a UGCer is someone they can trust. And the best part? UGC costs next to nothing. It’s a cost-effective way for businesses like yours to create a treasure trove of authentic content that speaks directly to a target audience.

UGC and SEO: The Good, the Great, and the “Heck, Yeah, That’s Awesome”

Okay, so UGC is powerful for building trust and engagement—but surely it doesn’t assist in SEO efforts in any way? You bet your bottom dollar it does.

Let’s start with the obvious: backlinks. When customers share your products or services on their websites, blogs, or social media posts, and those mentions include links back to your site, yup, you just landed yourself a steaming hot pile of backlinks.

But what if the shoutout doesn’t include a link? No matter. It’s still useful. Unlinked brand mentions still hold SEO value, viewed by Google as an “implied link.”

But here’s where it gets even more interesting. UGC often contains long-tail keywords and natural language that you might not have thought of. Both long-tail keywords and natural language help your website rank for a wider range of search terms and attract more organic traffic. Plus, fresh UGC signals to Google that your site is active and relevant, keeping it high on their radar. Cool, right?

One more thing. When users interact with UGC on your site—leaving comments, sharing reviews, engaging in discussions—it sends a clear signal to Google that your content is valuable and relevant.

Crafting a UGC Strategy That Delivers

Alright, let’s turn what you’ve just learned into a plan that actually works…

Step 1: Set Goals and Identify Your Audience

Defining your goals should be your first step. Are you looking to spark conversations and increase brand awareness? Maybe you’re after high-quality leads that can be nurtured into paying customers. That’d be nice, right? Or perhaps your goal is to gather valuable feedback and testimonials to build social proof.

Whatever your goals are, with objectives defined, it’s time to get inside your audience’s heads. Right up inside there, where all the cerebral pink stuff is floating around (#gross). Remember, not every piece of content will resonate with everyone. Who are your ideal customers or clients? Where do they spend their time online? What kind of content are they already engaging with?

To answer these questions, start by creating detailed buyer personas. These fictional representations of your ideal customers should include information like demographics, interests, pain points, and online behaviors. Understand their motivations, desires, and the language they use.

Here are a few actionable tips to get you started:

  1. Survey your customers about their favorite social media platforms, what kind of content they enjoy, and what challenges they face related to your industry.
  2. See what topics are trending in your niche on social media and what questions people are asking.
  3. Analyze your competitors’ audience and the type of content they engage with.

Step 2: Choose Your Platforms Wisely

Think of social media platforms as different neighborhoods in a city. Each one has its own vibe, its own regulars, and its own unspoken rules.

So, instead of trying to be everywhere at once, focus on the platforms where your target audience already hangs out. Are they the visually-driven Instagram crowd, or the quick-witted Twitterati (or should we now call them the Xerati)? Maybe they’re more likely to share long-form reviews on Facebook or post creative challenges on TikTok.

Knowing your audience is super valuable. Dig into your analytics, poll your followers, or simply ask them directly where they prefer to engage with brands. Once you know their hangout spots, tailor your campaigns accordingly.

Remember, every platform has its strengths. Instagram is great for visual content, TikTok thrives on trends, and X is all about real-time conversations. Choose the platforms that align with your brand voice and the type of UGC you’re looking for.

Step 3: Incentivize Participation

People are busy. They’re not just going to create content for your brand out of the goodness of their hearts. You need to make it worth their while. Here’s how to spark that creative energy:

  • People crave validation and social proof. Offer the chance to be featured on your website or social media channels. Rewarding participation gives your audience a sense of community and belonging.
  • Offer sneak peeks of new products, discounts for early adopters, or access to behind-the-scenes content that regular customers can’t get. Make participants feel like VIPs, and they’ll be more likely to share their experiences.
  • Go beyond the generic “post a photo and win” contest. Get creative with your prompts and challenges. Encourage humor, storytelling, or even unique perspectives related to your brand.
  • If your brand supports a cause, consider aligning your incentives with social impact. For every UGC post, you could donate to a charity or offer volunteer opportunities to the most active participants.
  • Don’t just have one big prize—offer different levels of rewards for varying levels of participation. It’ll keep people engaged and motivated over time.

Step 4: The Art of Curation

So, you’ve sparked a wave of user-generated content—congrats. Now comes the tricky part: sifting through the gold nuggets and, well, the not-so-golden nuggets. Here’s what to look for when curating user-generated content:

  • Prioritize high-quality visuals, well-written reviews, and engaging stories that align with your brand’s aesthetic and voice.
  • Avoid overly promotional or staged-looking content. The beauty of UGC lies in its genuine, unfiltered nature.
  • Does the content align with your message and values? If not, it might not be the right fit, even if it’s well-made.
  • Always get permission from the creator before sharing their content. This is not only a legal requirement but also a matter of respect and good practice. Neglect to mention the creator, and you’re likely to get your butt roasted by the online community. It’s a bad look.

Step 5: Measure, Analyze, Repeat

A successful UGC strategy is built on data-driven insights. Tracking the right metrics helps you understand what resonates with your audience, measure the impact on your business goals, and refine your approach over time. Here’s what to track:

  • How many people are seeing your UGC?
  • Are people liking, commenting, and sharing?
  • Are those social posts or testimonials leading to actual sales or sign-ups?
  • How is your brand being perceived through UGC? Are people saying positive things?
  • Is your UGC driving more visitors to your site?

Aaaand, boom! Just like that, you’ve got a killer UGC campaign that’s destined for success.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Work, friend—your crash course in the power of user-generated content (UGC) is now complete.

If, at this point, you’re feeling a little intimidated, don’t be. UGC doesn’t have to be complex or expensive. Start with the basics: ask your customers for feedback, run a simple contest on social media, or encourage them to share their experiences with your product or service. Small steps can lead to big wins when it comes to UGC.

And, hey, before you skip out. We’re on a roll here, so why stop with UGC? Our expert SEO team will help you craft a content strategy that incorporates UGC, optimizes your website for search, and gets you the results you’re looking for. Easy as that.

🚀 Explore our SEO services today and see how we will help you achieve your goals. 🚀

Hand off the toughest tasks in SEO, PPC, and content without compromising quality

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Written by Aaron Haynes on June 30, 2024

CEO and partner at Loganix, I believe in taking what you do best and sharing it with the world in the most transparent and powerful way possible. If I am not running the business, I am neck deep in client SEO.