What does Loganix offer vs. BrightLocal? Find out here.

You have a many options when it comes to citation building, and you may not be familiar with what new programs like Loganix have to offer. Here are some ways that Loganix sets itself apart:

Key Features
$4 per citation, $249 small package, $349 large package
$3 per citation ($2 for bulk orders)
Live Citation
100% (with additional free citations)
70% of submissions/updates will result in live listings within 4 weeks of submission. If we don’t achieve 70%, we will submit to additional sites until we achieve 70%
Project Delivery Time
Submissions are completed within 3 days
Submissions are completed within 14 days
Supported Country
USA, UK, Canada, and Australia
Google Spreadsheet
Interactive campaign reports. You can download as pdf or csv file
Data Aggregators
$5-25 per year
Google My Business
Yahoo Local
Bing Places
Rich Media
Loganix Advantages

After completing much competive anylysis, Loganix will submit you to those sources most befitting.

Submits to various different types of citation types, including creating videos.

We have a robust set-it-and-forget-it monthly package.

BrightLocal Advantages

Citation Tracker automates the citation audit and quickly gives you a picture of your local seo health.

Other neat Local SEO tools which you can use with a subscription.

Breakneck Speed

Bright Local delivers in 14 days. Loganix? 3. We have one of the most rapidly-deploying buildouts in the business, and it has made us the premier choice for SEOs focused on speed. After all, that speed doesn’t come at a cost to quality. We still guarantee well-placed, well-written citations with a 100% live rate by the end of the service.

Global Coverage

Bright Local is available throughout most of the “commonwealth” (US, CA, UK & AUS), but Loganix is available all over the world. Not only do we support every country, we have special location-specific strategies laid out for all the ones we’ve done before. We have expertise and custom buildouts available in markets ranging from France and Ireland to Indonesia.

The Richest & Newest Media

Did you know that some business directories are now allowing video submission? We know, and we know which ones they are. When we submit your information to our directories, we add video media wherever it’s allowed to give you that extra boost.

Local Expertise

Bright Local lets you choose which directories you want to target. That’s great, but how good is your directory game, really? Do you really know which directories are the best for your product or industry? We have the experience and insider knowledge to target only the directories that will make a difference to you. No wasted time or money.

Find out if our citation building is right for you