How SixEstate Provides Cost-Effective, High-Quality Ad Hoc Link Building to Its Clients with Loganix
Link building services that bend to fit any client budget
In spite of the many challenges surrounding link building, SixEstate always insists on the highest standards for its clients.
Consequently, David and his team spent a lot of time reviewing link placements and content before approving them.
What he needed was a link-building provider that he could trust to deliver excellent work and eliminate the need for constant quality checks.
Providing flexible, high quality link-building services to clients is a common challenge for SEO and content marketing agencies.
Unfortunately, the SEO/content marketing industry is riddled with companies that will gladly sell links to spammy content on spammy sites. Consequently, reputable agencies have to be diligent about reviewing links to ensure quality and relevancy.
Further, agencies never know what links they’re going to get, how long they’ll take to secure and how much the vendor will charge for them.
Keeping link building in house seems like the obvious solution to these challenges. But that approach also comes with problems.
Demand for link building can vary widely from month to month, making it hard to keep an internal team staffed and working at a predictable capacity.
Further, estimating how much links actually cost in terms of an internal team’s time and resources is also difficult, making it hard to know how much to charge clients.
This is exactly the situation that SixEstate found itself in.
Linking building plays an important role in almost all SixEstate client accounts. Not a huge role, but an important one nonetheless.
Loganix was able to meet SixEstate’s requirement for flexible link building that could vary depending on client needs—no monthly commitment required.
SixEstate can choose from two Loganix service paths (and often uses both):
1. “Shop the list”
After signing a quick NDA, SixEstate can browse and filter a list of relationships Loganix has with different website owners, contributors and other opportunities within the Loganix dashboard.
SEO metrics for each opportunity and the price of each link placement are all there.
2. Guest posts and Authority Links
In cases where David and his team prefer to not browse the list themselves, they can place orders based on specified metrics, such as traffic and Ahrefs’ domain rating. Loganix reviews the criteria, identifies relevant sites and then pitches the best matches to SixEstate.
All David and his team have to do is select the ones they like and Loganix takes care of the rest. Both of these service paths give SixEstate the flexibility it needs.
Today, SixEstate provides high quality link building to its clients, without having to build an in-house link-building team.
Using Loganix for link building is also saving David and his team valuable time and resources because they no longer have to review content and sites for quality and relevance.
As long as link building remains an essential part of SEO, SixEstate will continue to deliver it to its clients, with the help of Loganix, at a reasonable rate.
Because at the end of the day, Loganix is helping SixEstate get great results for its clients, which makes SixEstate look good.
We build links like you would if you had the time.
Get natural, contextual placements on websites Google trusts.