Our Preferred Business Directories for Icelandic Citations

We have a great resource for you if you’re trying to promote an Icelandic business online. We’ve worked with a lot of businesses in this country, and as citations builders, we’ve had plenty of opportunities to find the business directories that perform best. We’ve collected some of the ones we use for our clients, and we’re providing them here as a starter pack for those new to citations.

Finding the right business directories is the hardest part of citation building, after all. It takes us weeks of searching and testing to find this many directories that meet our standards. As long as you don’t mind going through the work of creating and posting these citations, you’ll have an as-good-as-professional building strategy at work for you.

Our list is just below. We also have some answers for your questions about citations included after the list.

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Website Link DA FREE? Trust Flow Citation Flow
http://is.wowcity.com/ 44 YES 10 34
http://leit.is/ 43 40 42
http://yellowpages.is/ 10 11 18
http://isl.bizdirlib.com/ 40 YES 9 11
http://www.firma.is/ 16 YES 3 16
http://www.firmaskra.is/ 25 YES 19 24
http://www.export.is/ 36 38 28
http://iceland.go4worldbusiness.com/ 34 YES 0 0
http://en.ja.is/ 73 NO 48 48
http://www.allabouticeland.is/ 8 YES 0 23
http://www.icelandseek.com/ 25 YES 11 29
http://www.1streykjavikguide.com/ 33 NO 9 30
http://www.eurobizdirectory.com/iceland/ 9 NO 0 20

Questions and Answers for Citation Building

What are these things?

Citations? They’re just listings, nothing more complicated than that. They should include your name, address or phone number, and all the ones that we’ve picked out for you should allow that information. Sometimes, you’ll find directories that charge to allow additional information like website.

What’s on this list?

The list includes business directories, sites that have been specifically designed to host citations. You can build citations in other places, such as forums or social media sites, but these directories offer the most structured and long-lasting place for your directories to call home.

How Do I Start?

Click on any of the links to visit a business directory. You need to create a profile on each one, and it matters a lot that you fill out as many as possible. You should start to see results after just a few weeks.

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