What’s the ideal page word count for SEO?

As with most answers in SEO, it depends. You’ve probably heard 250 or 500 words recommended as the bare minimum content length, but those recommendations are very outdated at this point. The general consensus in the SEO community for minimum word count is now 1000 words. The data pushes that count even higher, with the average length of a first-page result on Google containing 1,890 words, according to a Backlinko case study.

We would recommend analyzing the search results for the terms you want to rank for before picking your word count. Determine the intent of the SERP (whether it’s informational or commercial), and pick a content style and length to match or better the sites you’ll be competing against. If the top results for a search term you’re targeting average 1500 words per page, then you would want at least 1500 words of well-optimized content – ideally more.