Secure Your Brand With Loganix Social
Loganix Social is a branding and link building service with brains. This product delivers reliable ranking gains with the added benefit of building brand-style profiles.

The Nuts and Bolts
75, high authority, manually-created, randomly interlinked social profiles, backed by our world famous links. Social profiles point at your site, and we build links to the social profiles. Based on dozens of tests and 100s of ranking graphs pulled in in the last 12 months, I can tell you that this product has some UMPH to it.
Rankings aren’t all you should be excited about. All our products produce results. What gets us most excited is these are just your typical brand building links. They are your Tumblr’s of the world. These are what we call foundational links. Links that should be a part of every healthy, well-rounded link profile. What’s more, this secures all your brand profiles across dozens of social sites. A smart move for any business. Entire companies exist to perform JUST this function for other businesses. Utility + results = awesome.
We’ve reinvented this simple, process and put some brains behind it. Secure your brand, and improve your rankings with the newest product from the Loganix Labs.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to build?
5 days for the social profiles, 5 days for the links to those profiles. 10 days total.
How long until results?
Our experiments have resulted in increases in rankings as soon as 2 weeks after the build. If you’ve got a decent site, that is ranking somewhat, you are a perfect candidate.
Are these business profiles?
Sometimes, yes. Though there are a number of sites that require a personal one, and we will have the business/website piggyback on that profile.
Can these be citations too?
Absolutely. Another way we stay under the radar is we use your businesses address. Why not right? A citation is a citation is a citation : ) You can be sure, your competitors didn’t think of this one.