What Are Organic SEO Services?

Hand off the toughest tasks in SEO, PPC, and content without compromising quality
Explore ServicesQ: What’s one thing 93% of internet users have in common?
A: The first thing they do when starting an internet session is to open a search engine.
Yep, that’s right. Almost every person who uses the internet starts by first visiting a website such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, or other search engines.
They then ask the search engine a question, or they look for a solution to a problem they’re having.
If you run an online business or advertise your business online, you obviously want these people to find your business on the search engines. But you can’t do this without organic SEO services.
That’s why, in this article, we’re going to talk all about organic SEO services.
You’ll learn:
- What organic SEO services are
- Why organic SEO services are important
- How organic SEO services can help your business
- What you can do to make organic SEO effective
What Are Organic SEO Services
Organic search engine optimization (SEO) services are a set of digital marketing best practices that help a website perform well in search engine results pages (SERPs). They are an all-encompassing SEO strategy designed to get a website ranked on the first page of Google and other search engines – whether that company is a local business or an international enterprise.
By helping a website perform well in search engines, we mean getting a website to outrank its competitors for keywords and search queries their specific target audience are asking search engines.
To achieve this goal, organic SEO managers, organic SEO companies and SEO agencies all aim to optimize an entire website for search rankings. This means optimizing the on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO components of a website.
On-page SEO
On-page SEO refers to anything that happens on a web page. It’s anything a visitor or website user can visually see.
Organic traffic to a website finds that website by asking a search engine a question. Search engines then crawl web pages indexed in their libraries and present searchers with the most reliable, most valuable answers to their questions. It is the on-page SEO elements that help signal to search engines what the web page is about.
On-page SEO components include:
- High-quality content creation
- Relevant content for the target audience and industry
- Target keywords that the audience is asking search engines
- User experience, web design and aesthetic appearance of the website
Off-page SEO
Off-page SEO is more or less the backlink profile of a website.
A website’s backlink profile consists of links from other websites. When one website links to another, that shows search engines that that website has valuable content and is trustworthy. Thus, the more backlinks a website has, from high-quality domains, the more authority it has in search engines. Therefore the higher it ranks in the SERPs.
Organic SEO services help websites do link building with legitimate, white hat SEO tactics such as guest posting and link exchange.
Technical SEO
Technical SEO is anything that happens on a website that users don’t see and involves optimizing the metadata on a website and individual web pages.
Metadata means “small data”, and are signals search engines use to learn what a website is about quickly.
Web admins often overlook technical SEO, but it is an essential part of optimizing a website for performing well in search engines.
Aspects of technical SEO include:
- Alt image descriptions
- Meta descriptions
- Meta titles
- Meta tags
- Webpage title tags
Meta descriptions, such as those highlighted above, give a quick summary of the web page, to read over it yourselfSEO-friendlyso search engines and users know what to expect from the web page when they click on it.
Why are Organic SEO Services Important?
Organic SEO services are important because they help websites attract organic search traffic.
To understand how important this is, we’ll highlight a few key internet usage statistics that demonstrate how reliant websites are on search engines for attracting traffic:
- Currently, over 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide (Statista)
- 93% of internet users start their internet session by asking a search engine a query
- 70% of search engine users won’t click past the first page of results
- 76% of website traffic lands on page by searching for keywords
As you can see, if you run a website and want people to visit your website and buy what you’re selling, then you absolutely must invest in an organic SEO strategy. Without organic SEO services, your website will be out-competed by other services in your industry, who will attract the vast majority of your target audience.
Organic SEO Services FAQ
How does organic SEO work?
Organic SEO works by SEO experts understanding the website ranking algorithms of search engines, and satisfying all their demands within the design of a website.
Satisfying all the requirements of search engines means creating a website that has answers to a person’s question, and gives those answers in an accessible, readable user experience.
Then, that website needs to demonstrate to search engines that it is a legitimate and authoritative website – which is achieved by link building as a part of that website’s organic SEO campaign.
Organic SEO doesn’t happen immediately – it is an ongoing process of perpetually improving a website to keep it ahead of its competitors.
This means keeping:
- An up-to-date content strategy that consists of keyword research, to ensure material published on the website is current and relevant
- Using various online marketing techniques to promote the website and slowly but gradually grow organic search results
- Analyzing the website with various tools, such as Google Analytics, to track SEO performance, and identify which SEO techniques can be used to improve search engine rankings
We should point out that there is a difference between organic SEO and PPC marketing strategies – but the two go hand in hand, and websites enjoy exponentially better results when SEO and PPC marketing are combined.
How do I find organic keywords?
Finding organic keywords is a crucial element of your content strategy and any organic SEO service.
Identifying the correct organic keywords will attract the precise target audience you’re looking for – but targeting the wrong keywords will result in the wrong people visiting your website and leaving very quickly.
There are online tools, such as Ahrefs, that are particularly useful at finding organic keywords, however, these services can be costly.
A favorite way of ours at Loganix for finding free keywords is using Google autosuggest.
To do this, type a word relevant to your website into Google, without pressing enter. Google will then show a drop-down box of common queries people ask related to your keyword:
Using this tactic, you can find hundreds of different keywords, all inter-related, that are appropriate to your niche.
How do I write SEO friendly content?
Writing SEO friendly content isn’t difficult – you just need to write with your audience in mind.
Remember that people using the internet want to find answers quickly, and want full answers in one spot. If you can do this, you’ll keep people on-page (lowering bounce rate, which is good for SEO), and people will share your website with their peers.
So, to write SEO friendly content, do this:
- Avoid big blocks of text. People generally avoid reading long, solid blocks of text as it is time-consuming and there is no guarantee they will find their answer in it.
- Instead, keep your paragraphs to 2-3 sentences maximum.
- Make your pain points stand out with headings.
- Use images to break up text and drive home your point.
- Share real-life examples and demonstrate the effectiveness of your solution.
- Write naturally, and don’t focus on keywords too much through text.
- Use keywords in your titles to show exactly what the page is about.
The best way to write SEO friendly content is, once you’ve written and published an article, read over it yourself.
If you get tired or bored of the article, re-read our list and make some changes. Remember the point is to answer your users question in entirety.
Hopefully, this article has given you a better understanding of organic SEO services. As you’ve seen, organic SEO services are essentially the key to success as an online business.
If you run an online business, investing in organic SEO services will give you stable returns in the form of organic traffic visiting your website and purchasing your offering.
Hand off the toughest tasks in SEO, PPC, and content without compromising quality
Explore ServicesWritten by Aaron Haynes on June 17, 2021
CEO and partner at Loganix, I believe in taking what you do best and sharing it with the world in the most transparent and powerful way possible. If I am not running the business, I am neck deep in client SEO.