What is Organic Traffic? A Cost-Effective Way to SERP Success

Adam Steele
Nov 2, 2023

Hand off the toughest tasks in SEO, PPC, and content without compromising quality

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Kudos to you, you savvy internet user—you’ve just landed yourself in the perfect place to unlock all the secrets of organic traffic.

Nicely done.

To get you up to speed with everything organic traffic, in this helpful guide, we dive deep into:

  1. What is organic traffic?
  2. Why is it important to SEO and digital marketing as a whole?
  3. And how do you tackle the challenge of increasing it?

What is Organic Traffic?

As the name suggests, organic traffic refers to visitors who arrive at a website through unpaid “organic” or “natural” search results. For example, if you found this guide via a search engine like Google, you’re one of our organic visitors. Organic visitors discover your content by entering search queries into search engines, and your website appears in the results without the need for paid advertising or promotional efforts.

Straight forward enough, but this doesn’t happen by accident.

Organic traffic is the fruit of your search engine optimization (SEO) labor. To land one of the top-ranking positions on a search engine, you’ll need to craft helpful content, create an effective content strategy, and secure high-quality backlinks that drive search engines to recognize your site as relevant, valuable, and deserving of organic traffic.

Learn more: SEO glossary 250+ terms explained.

Why is Organic Traffic Important?

So why is organic traffic viewed as vitally important to the success of a website?

Let’s find out.

1. Cost-Effective Marketing

From the horse’s mouth, “Google never accepts money to include or rank sites in our search results, and it costs nothing to appear in our organic search results.”

So, unlike Google Ads, SEO is “free,” as you aren’t paying for SERP placement. While this statement is technically correct, it isn’t the whole story. Sure, with an understanding of search engine algorithms, decent content creation skills, and a solid grasp of SEO fundamentals, there’s no reason why attracting organic traffic can’t be free.

Although tackling every requirement of SEO yourself isn’t always feasible or achievable. Why? As a website grows and content creation scales, more and more of your time is required. Not to mention, possessing the skill base of an entire marketing team is nigh on impossible.

I mean, who are we kidding? Time is money, and SEO is time-consuming.

At some stage along your SEO journey, you’ll either need to hire in-house staff or outsource to freelancers or a marketing agency.

Sound expensive? Well, actually, no. It doesn’t have to be.

While not free, with the right in-house professionals or SEO agency partners, SEO services are among some of the most cost-effective marketing options at your disposal, returning a high return on investment (ROI).

Learn more: managed SEO services.

2. Increased Credibility and Trust

In a market that’s now inundated with hustle-bro tactics, AI, and sponsored content up the wazoo, both credibility and trust are more important to internet users than ever before. For these reasons and more, organic search results remain some of the most trusted sources of information.

Why? They’re organic and unpaid for. Search engines use algorithmic preferences—in Google’s case, Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trust (E-E-A-T) best practices—to order the SERPs, not some pay-for-placement model.

In fact, 21.4 percent of Americans claim they always trust search results, and 81.8 percent say they mostly trust the results Google returns. This makes SEO one of the most trusted sources of information.

Don’t rest on your laurels, though. Unhelpful, spammy, or thin content won’t cut it with either search engine users or Google. So, instead, focus on creating high-quality content that follows the E-E-A-T recommendations set out by Google. That way, you’re more likely to appease the Google Gods and build trust and credibility with your target audience.

3. Sustainable and Long-Lasting Results

Just like a well-rounded stock portfolio generating revenue from multiple sources, it’s wise to employ a range of strategies that ensure a consistent stream of site traffic.

You got it—diversification is key.

Why? As history has repeatedly shown, the evolution of the digital landscape moves fast, and tactics that succeed today may falter tomorrow.

So, in addition to email marketing, paid traffic, and social media strategies, implementing SEO tactics that drive a steady flow of organic traffic to your website is not only beneficial but essential for long-term success.

4. Better Quality Traffic and Higher Conversion Rates

With trust comes higher-quality leads. Search engine users who find your site organically are searching for helpful information or solutions to a problem your content could actively be solving. If you can help them out, potential customers are more likely to reward you with a longer time on page, sign up for your newsletter, subscribe to your YouTube channel, or even make a purchase.

Essentially, websites with a heavy flow of organic traffic often enjoy higher conversion rates than those websites that rely primarily on paid advertising or social media. In fact, with 65.7 percent of respondents claiming they trust Google, the company is one of America’s most trusted companies. Comparatively, only 37.8 percent of Americans trust Facebook and just 28.1 percent trust TikTok.

All the more reason to lean into perfecting a solid SEO strategy and begin bringing in organic traffic.

5. Competitive Advantage

As you can probably imagine, a higher level of trust, greater exposure on the SERPs, and, subsequently, more revenue to invest in SEO services will lead to a significant competitive edge over your most direct competitors.

By securing those top spots on the SERPs, you’re putting your website in front of your target audience, edging out the competition, and further cementing your brand as a household name.

No ifs, buts, or maybes about it.

Common Challenges in Increasing Organic Traffic

While the benefits of organic traffic are many, there are some challenges you will have to overcome to realize success.

Let’s explore these briefly now.

Ever-Changing Search Engine Algorithms

Problem: Keeping up with frequent algorithm updates takes a lot of work.

Solution: Stay informed about the latest updates and adjust your SEO strategy accordingly.

High Competition for Keywords

Problem: The competition for high-ranking keywords is intensifying.

Solution: Focus on long-tail keywords and niche topics relevant to your industry.

Learn more: Tips for finding longtail keywords.

Creating High-Quality Content

Problem: Striking a balance between informative, engaging content and SEO optimization is daunting.

Solution: Develop a content strategy focusing on your audience’s needs and following SEO best practices.

Learn more: Content strategy services.

Acquiring High-Quality Backlinks

Problem: Earning high-quality backlinks from reputable websites takes time and effort.

Solution: Build relationships with influencers and collaborate on projects to earn high-quality backlinks from high-authority domains.

Learn more: Link-building services and packages.

Limited Resources and Expertise

Problem: Businesses may struggle to allocate sufficient resources or expertise for SEO efforts.

Solution: Consider outsourcing your SEO or investing in training and resources for your existing team.

Learn more: Managed SEO services.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Take a moment to bask in the glow of your newfound knowledge. Just don’t rest on your laurels too long. The digital landscape never stands still, and neither should your SEO efforts.

Navigating the ever-changing world of SEO can be challenging, but partnering with Loganix’s expert team can make all the difference. With our seasoned team by your side, you’ll access the cutting-edge strategies and tactics you need to unlock your website’s full potential for organic traffic.

🚀 Don’t wait—reach out to us today, and let us guide you towards sustainable, long-lasting organic traffic growth. 🚀

Hand off the toughest tasks in SEO, PPC, and content without compromising quality

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Written by Adam Steele on November 2, 2023

COO and Product Director at Loganix. Recovering SEO, now focused on the understanding how Loganix can make the work-lives of SEO and agency folks more enjoyable, and profitable. Writing from beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia.