What Is Transport Layer Security? Secure Browsing Explained

Adam Steele
Mar 12, 2024
what is transport layer security (tls)

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While the familiar padlock icon from Google Chrome has been phased out, that doesn’t mean transport layer security (TLS) isn’t still working hard in the background to keep our online data safe.

Allow me to fill you in on everything TLS by offering:

  1. A straightforward explanation of “What Is Transport Layer Security (TLS)?”
  2. An exploration of why TLS is indispensable for maintaining privacy, integrity, and online security.
  3. A behind-the-scenes look at how TLS works (without needing a tech degree.)

What Is Transport Layer Security (TLS)?

Whether you’re browsing websites, sending emails, or using apps, TLS scrambles exchanged information so it remains unreadable and untampered with by any nefarious actors that might plan to intercept it. How? Cryptographic protocol (pump and dump-free, promise). Cryptographic protocols encrypt data, transforming it into an indecipherable format that can only be unlocked with the right cryptographic keys.

The cryptographic keys allow for a process known as the “handshake,” a phase where the server and client, typically a browser, verify each other’s authenticity and agree on encryption methods before any data is exchanged.

Learn more: Interested in broadening your SEO knowledge even further? Check out our SEO glossary, where we’ve explained over 250+ terms.

Why Is Transport Layer Security (TLS) Important?

The internet is used for just about everything these days. So, as I’m sure you don’t need reminding, keeping your data safe is pretty important. Let’s explore how TLS does that:

Guarding Your Privacy

Personal data can be as valuable as currency. Literally. That’s why TLS is designed to keep your conversations, financial details, and personal information safe and confidential. Without TLS, your data would be like a postcard, readable by anyone who bothered to take a glance.

Ensuring Data Integrity

The internet is rife with potential interference, from innocent network glitches to malicious tampering attempts, TLS guarantees data is received exactly as it was sent. It acts like a king’s seal, alerting the recipient if the data has been tampered with in transit.

Recognizing Real Identities

Remember the handshake and cryptographic keys? Well, these aspects of TLS act as authentication protocols. It verifies the identities of the parties involved in the data exchange, allowing you and your browser to determine whether a website is legitimate or an imposter. No mailbox analogies here, just potential cybersecurity threats, like phishing websites and malicious software.

How Does TLS Work?

Alright, I’ve mentioned keys and handshakes a few times now. Time to explain. Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Hello and Identification

The client (your browser) initiates the connection and sends a “hello” message with its capabilities. The server responds with its own “hello” and a digital certificate, like a verified ID card proving its legitimacy.

Step 2: Secret Handshake

Both parties establish a temporary secret “session key” through a complex cryptographic exchange.

Step 3: Verification Check

The client uses the certificate and a trusted authority to verify the server’s identity. Think of it like checking the ID card’s authenticity to establish it’s not a clever forgery.

Step 4: Secure Connection Established

Both sides lock their communication with the agreed-upon “session key,” creating a secure tunnel for exchanging data. Now, your conversations and information travel safely encrypted within this tunnel, shielded from prying eyes.

H2: The Evolution of TLS and Its Versions

TLS tech hasn’t stayed stagnant. It’s had to continuously keep up with the latest practices nefarious actors use to intercept exchanged data. It all started with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), the predecessor to TLS. Think of it as the first iteration of our secure communication protocol that laid the foundation for what we know today.

SSL became outdated because of the aforementioned need to keep up with innovation. That’s when Transport Layer Security (TLS) stepped onto the scene in 1999.

Since then, TLS has gone through several versions, each building upon the previous one. Key improvements include:

  • Enhanced encryption. From stronger ciphers to improved key exchange mechanisms, each version of TLS has improved its ability to scramble data.
  • Faster performance. Early versions of TLS were resource-intensive, slowing down connections. Newer versions optimize performance without compromising security.
  • Modern protocols. TLS has adapted to embrace emerging technologies like IPv6 and secure key pinning.

The latest advancement is TLS 1.3, released in 2018. TLS 1.3 features boast:

  • Zero Round-Trip Time (0-RTT) Resumption. Imagine bypassing the initial handshake for even faster connections, saving valuable time and resources.
  • Perfect Forward Secrecy. Even if hackers compromise server keys, past or future data remains protected, adding an extra layer of security.
  • Streamlined Handshake. The handshake process is faster and more efficient, further enhancing performance.

Transport Layer Security (TLS) FAQ

Q1: Can TLS Be Used With Any Type of Online Communication?

Answer: Yes, TLS secures various online interactions, from browsing websites (https) and sending emails to online banking and messaging apps.

Q2: What Makes TLS 1.3 More Secure Than Its Predecessors?

Answer: Modern versions of TLS, like 1.3, are optimized for performance and have minimal impact on speed. In fact, the security benefits outweigh any potential slowdown.

Q3: How Does TLS Ensure Data Integrity?

Answer: TLS acts like a fingerprint, verifying data arrives complete and unchanged. Imagine sending a document with a unique code—if the code doesn’t match upon arrival, you know the data has been tampered with.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Just as TLS encrypts and protects data, Loganix’s suite of SEO services is designed to safeguard and elevate your online visibility. From meticulous keyword research and strategic link building to comprehensive on-page SEO and beyond, we’re the TLS to your domain—handshakes included, of course.

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Written by Adam Steele on March 12, 2024

COO and Product Director at Loganix. Recovering SEO, now focused on the understanding how Loganix can make the work-lives of SEO and agency folks more enjoyable, and profitable. Writing from beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia.