14 Things You Must Do to Rank for Your Keywords

Adam Steele
Oct 6, 2024
keyword rankings

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Sick of the same-old-same-old SEO tactics? Man, I feel ya.

That’s why I’ve compiled these 14 left-of-field keyword ranking strategies that work today, not yesterday.


Laying the Foundation: Keyword Research and Strategic Targeting

Let’s start with the basics—the building blocks of SEO: keywords.

1. Semantic Search Optimization

Google’s no longer just matching keywords like a damn robot. It’s upped its game big time. The search engine’s search algorithms now do a pretty good job of understanding the true search intent behind a search query (at least, they do most of the time).

How? With semantic search—the knack to read between the lines and truly understand what the user is after.

So, what does this mean for your keyword strategy?

  1. Embrace the synonyms, meaning don’t just focus on one keyword. Instead, brainstorm all the different ways people might search for the same thing. “Affordable joggers” could also be “cheap sneakers” or “budget-friendly runners.”
  2. Get conversational. People don’t always search for the perfect keyword phrases. They ask questions, use slang, and even make typos. Optimize your content for natural language and conversational queries.
  3. Think topically. Don’t just create a bunch of disjointed pages targeting individual keywords. Build a cohesive content strategy around broader topics and themes, demonstrating your expertise and authority in your niche.

Get this right and watch as you rank for semantic keywords left, right, and center.

2. Voice Search Integration

“Hey, Google, which actor plays the character in Stranger Things who’s always wearing a baseball cap?”

Sound familiar? Voice search is exploding, and if you’re not optimizing for it, you’re missing out on a massive opportunity to connect with your audience.

Think long-tail keywords, question-based phrases, and even complete sentences. It’s time to embrace the art of conversation.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Think like your customer. How would they actually ask a question using their voice? More words than a search that is typed, right?
  • Target long-tail keywords. Longer, more specific phrases are more likely to match voice search queries.
  • Optimize for questions. People often use voice search to ask questions, so make sure your content provides clear and concise answers.
  • Use natural language. Write your content in a conversational tone that sounds like how people actually speak.

Voice search is getting more and more popular, so start optimizing for it.

3. Engagement Metrics for Keyword Validation

I get it—high search volume is super alluring. But it’s time to ditch that noise and focus on what really matters: engagement.

You see, you could attract tons of visitors with high-volume keywords, but if they duck out after just a few seconds or so, what’s the point?

This is why you should focus on keywords that promise higher engagement metrics, like:

  • Lower bounce rates. This means people are sticking around and exploring your site, not hitting the back button just a few seconds after they land on a page.
  • Higher session durations. It’ll show search engines that visitors are finding your content valuable and engaging enough to spend more time on your site.

Engagement metrics (ideally with high-purchase intent) over search volume any day of the week.

4. Real-Time Trend Analysis

If you want virality and engagement, real-time trend analysis is where it’s at. But how do you spot trending opportunities? Keep your finger on the pulse, of course.

Here’s how:

  • Google Trends. Ol’ Faithful ain’t dead yet—Trends lets you see what’s hot and what’s not in the world of search. Filter by region, category, or even related queries to uncover those trending topics relevant to your audience.
  • X (formerly Twitter). Like it or not, it’s where a lot of us are spending our time and where the most up-to-date information can be found. Monitor trending hashtags, join relevant discussions, and see what’s capturing your audience’s attention.
  • News Aggregators. Google News, Apple News, and Feedly… these platforms allow you to stay on top of breaking news and current events, surfacing trending topics and keywords you can leverage for timely content creation.

No slacking. Stay on the trends and reap the organic traffic.

5. AI-Driven Keyword Suggestions

Forget manually sifting through endless keyword lists and crossing your fingers. AI-powered tools can analyze massive datasets, spot patterns you might miss, and even forecast which keywords could be the next viral trend.

So, how can you harness this artificial awesomeness?

  • Feed it your ideas. Give your AI tool a broad topic or theme, and watch it spit out a curated list of relevant keywords, complete with search volume and competition data.
  • Explore related terms and synonyms. AI can surface missed trends that traditional keyword tools might overlook, expanding your reach and capturing more diverse search queries.
  • Predict the future. With the right prompts, AI-powered tools can even forecast which keywords are likely to gain popularity in the near future, giving you a head start on the competition.

Just keep in mind that AI is a tool, not a replacement for human intuition and expertise. Use it to augment your keyword research process, not replace it entirely.

Crafting Content That Ranks and Converts

Keywords are the foundation, so content is the walls, ceiling, and roof.

6. NLP-Based Tools

Surfer SEO, Market Muse, Clearscope, et al. use the power of natural language processing (NLP) to analyze written content, compare it to top-ranking pages, and provide actionable recommendations to boost your chances of ranking higher. Pretty cool.

But it’s not just about pleasing search engines. NLP can also help you:

  • Fine-tune your content for semantic search.
  • Optimize your content for readability and engagement.
  • Identify content gaps and opportunities.

They aren’t an end-all-be-all type of thing, but these tools give your content the best chance of getting noticed by search engines (even if Google says otherwise).

7. Generative Engine Optimization (GEO)

With the rise of AI-powered search engines like Perplexity and SearchGPT, we’re entering a new era of search—one where conversational, context-aware content matters most.

Forget those keyword-stuffed, robotic articles of the past. Generative Engine Optimization (GEO) involves creating content that’s irresistible to AI-power search engines.

Here are a few tips to get you started with GEO:

  • Include citations and quotations. Ensure your content is not only informative but also relevant to the broader topic and related queries.
  • Leverage structured data and schema markup. Help search engines understand the context and structure of your content, making it easier for them to generate accurate and informative snippets.
  • Distribute content. AI-powered search engines find content not just from search but also from platforms like Reddit, X, and Quora. So, distribute your as far and as wide as you can to maximize your chances of exposure.

Best tip I have: To be featured by features like Google’s AI Overviews, target keywords that have informational intent. AIO is a sucker for this type of content.

8. Content Freshness and Updates

Regularly updating content shows search engines that you’re actively engaged in providing value to your audience, which can lead to improved rankings and increased visibility.

You see, fresh, relevant content is more likely to attract clicks, shares, and backlinks, all of which contribute to a rank-ready website.

So, how do you keep your content fresh?

  • Regularly review and update your existing content. Check for outdated information, broken links, and opportunities to add new insights or data.
  • Add new sections or expand on existing ones. Don’t be afraid to add more value to your content by incorporating new research, examples, or case studies.
  • Promote your updated content on social media. Let your audience know that you’ve refreshed your content and encourage them to check it out.
  • Republish your content with a new date. This signals to search engines that your content is current and relevant.

Just don’t go updating the publish date without changes, though. Google is all over this tactic and has been algorithmically punishing sites that try to manipulate search results in this way.

Building Authority: The Backlink Game

There’s little argument—backlinks have a serious effect on how keyword rankings perform.

9. Unlinked Brand Mentions

Unlinked brand mentions are your chance to gain an easy backlink. Tools like Google Alerts, BrandMentions, or even good old-fashioned Google searches will help you uncover those unlinked mentions.

But don’t just fire off a generic “Hey, link to me!” email. That ain’t gonna cut it.

Instead, craft a personalized message that shows you’ve actually read the recipient’s content, understand their audience, and have something valuable to offer. Maybe you can fill a content gap, update outdated information, or offer a fresh perspective. It’s about building relationships, not demanding a backlink.

10. Podcast Guesting

Let’s talk about podcasts. If you’re not using this medium for backlink building, you’re missing out on a serious opportunity to amplify your reach and establish yourself as a thought leader.

The play? Most podcasts include show notes or episode descriptions with links to the guest’s website, giving you a golden opportunity to snag valuable podcast backlinks.

But here’s the key: don’t just pitch yourself to any random podcast. Be strategic and focus on those that are relevant to your niche and target audience. Get this right and watch the backlinks roll on in.

11. Collaboration for Content

Co-authored content is a win-win for everyone involved. You get to tap into a new audience, gain fresh perspectives, and earn valuable backlinks when both parties share the content on their websites and social channels.

Here’s the secret sauce: choose your collaborators wisely. Look for brands or bloggers who share your values, target a similar audience, and have a strong online presence.

A few ideas to get those creative juices flowing:

  • Guest blogging with a twist. Instead of just writing a guest post, co-create a piece of content with another brand or blogger.
  • Expert roundups. Gather insights from multiple industry experts on a specific topic and compile them into a comprehensive blog post or guide. Each expert is likely to share the content with their own audience, driving traffic and backlinks to your site.
  • Case studies and testimonials. Partner with a customer or client to create a compelling case study that showcases the results of your product or service. It’ll build trust, credibility, and provides valuable content that both you and your partner can promote.

Other creators are as hungry as you are for genuine connection, so don’t hesitate to reach out and build relationships.

The Social Media Advantage: Fueling Your Organic Traffic Engine

Stop blasting generic messages into the void—it’s time to get strategic.

12. Engagement Bait

Engagement bait is all about creating content that’s so shareable, so clickable, and so downright addictive that people can’t resist spreading the word. Think playing people’s emotions, like adding a dash of controversy to spark debate and get those shares flying.

Here are a few tips for creating engagement bait that reels in traffic and boosts social signals:

  • Know your audience. What makes them tick? What topics get them fired up? What kind of content do they love to share?
  • Think outside the box. Forget boring listicles and generic blog posts. Get creative with interactive formats, quizzes, polls, and visually appealing content that stands out from the crowd.
  • Spark emotions. Whether it’s humor, inspiration, or even a bit of controversy, tap into emotions to get people talking and sharing.
  • Make it easy to share. Include social sharing buttons and clear calls to action, encouraging your audience to spread the word.

Engagement bait doesn’t necessarily mean rage bait. Be tactful and find topics that your audience is passionate about.

13. Micro-communities and Niche Platforms

Micro-communities and niche platforms are those cozy corners of the internet where your ideal audience hangs out, shares their passions, and forms genuine connections. It’s where the real conversations happen, the kind that can lead to loyal followers, brand advocates, and valuable backlinks.

So, how do you find these hidden gems?

  • Do your research. Identify the platforms where your target audience is most active and engaged.
  • Become a valuable contributor. Don’t just promote your own content—share insights, answer questions, and participate in discussions.
  • Build relationships. Connect with influencers, thought leaders, and other active members of the community.
  • Create exclusive content. Offer something special to your niche community, like a downloadable guide, a webinar, or a contest.

A passionate micro-community can sometimes be way more profitable than a large disengaged audience, so find your niche and have at it.

14. Content Teasers that Spark Curiosity

Give your audience a taste. A tantalizing glimpse of your content, but leave them hanging on the edge of their seats, eager to click through to your site for the full experience.

Here’s how to craft content teasers that’ll have your audience begging for more using the SLAP approach:

  • Stop: Hit the brakes on their scrolling thumb with a killer opening line. Think bold statements, intriguing questions, or even a touch of controversy.
  • Look: Don’t just tell them, show them! Eye-catching visuals, GIFs, or short video clips are your secret weapon for standing out in the feed.
  • Act: What do you want them to do? Make it crystal clear with a strong call to action that directs them to your website. Think “Learn More,” “Download Now,” or “Get Your Freebie!”
  • Pass: Make it easy for your followers to spread the love. Include social sharing buttons or encourage them to tag their friends.

Remember, SLAP. This concept will help steer your content creation in the right direction.

Conclusion and Next Steps

From AI-powered keyword wizardry and content that converts like crazy to link-building hacks and social media savvy, we’ve covered a lot of different topics.

But here’s what I want you to remember: getting your keywords to rank isn’t a one-and-done deal. It’s an ongoing journey of experimentation, adaptation, and relentless pursuit of those top rankings. So, be consistent, patient, and stay the course. It’ll all pay off in the long run.

Feeling overwhelmed? You don’t have to go it alone. At Loganix, we’re ready to help you out whenever you need us.

Simply head over to our services page, and let’s get this party started.

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Written by Adam Steele on October 6, 2024

COO and Product Director at Loganix. Recovering SEO, now focused on the understanding how Loganix can make the work-lives of SEO and agency folks more enjoyable, and profitable. Writing from beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia.