My Website Doesn’t Drive Leads, How Do I Fix It? (10 Reasons)

Brody Hall
Apr 25, 2024
get leads from my website

Hand off the toughest tasks in SEO, PPC, and content without compromising quality

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Your website looks amazing. Your product is killer. You’re even crushing it on social media. So, WTH? Why is your website traffic not turning into actual leads? If this feels like an all-too-familiar struggle, get ready for some real talk.

Quick Wins: Easy Fixes for Frustrating Problems


This section is all about those quick wins—the low-hanging fruit that can make a surprising difference.

1. Website Speed: Is Your Site Leaving Visitors in the Dust?

Nobody—and I mean nobody—wants to wait around for a slow website to load. In fact, if your site is dragging its feet, most visitors will hit the back button before your page even has a chance to fully display. This isn’t just about bad user experience (although that’s a BIG deal in terms of leads)—Google also uses page speed as a ranking factor. In other words, a slow site absolutely kills your ability to attract paying customers and destroys your visibility in search.

Not to worry. You don’t need a computer science degree to speed things up. Here’s how to tackle the most common culprits:

  • Get a Free Speed Checkup: Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool should be your first stop. It analyzes your site and gives you a personalized report card, highlighting exactly what’s slowing you down.
  • Image Optimization 101: Those beautiful high-res photos are probably the main offender. Compress them (without sacrificing quality) using free online tools or plugins. This will shave precious seconds off your load time.
  • The Plugin Purge: We all love plugins, but they can bog down your site. If you’re using WordPress, take inventory—do you really need all those plugins active? Deactivating unused or poorly coded ones will give your site a speed boost.
  • Hosting Upgrade?: If you’ve done all of the above and your site’s still slower than molasses, it might be time to talk to your hosting provider. Upgrading to a better plan might be the solution.

Even a few seconds saved on your load time will translate into more happy visitors, better search rankings, and more customers. It’s totally worth the effort.

2. Forms That Fizzle: Are You Asking Too Much (or Too Little)?

Your website forms are where the magic happens—turning visitors into leads. But if your forms are poorly designed, they can be a major roadblock to conversions. One of the most common mistakes is making forms too long.

Sure, you want all the info you can get. But from a visitor’s perspective, a long-form feels like a chore. They’re more likely to abandon it halfway through. On the other hand, asking for too little information might not give you enough to qualify a lead. It’s a balancing act.

Here’s how to strike the right balance:

  • Shorten Forms: Ask only for essential information upfront. You can always gather more details later in the sales process.
  • Clarity is Key: Don’t make people guess. Make sure the benefit of filling out your form is crystal clear.
  • Strategic Placement: Think about where your forms appear on your site. Don’t hide them. Make them easy to find on relevant pages where visitors are most likely to be interested in your offer.
  • Test and Refine: A/B testing different form versions will reveal what resonates best with your audience.

Every field you add increases the friction for potential leads. So, keep it short, sweet, and hyper-focused on your goal.

3. Weak Calls to Action (CTAs): Are You Giving Visitors a Reason to Act?

Okay, that witty product description is cute, but let’s be honest, your website isn’t a cozy storefront, it’s a lean, mean, lead-generating machine (or, at least, it should be). And your CTAs aren’t just friendly invitations; they’re the turning point between a website visitor and a potential customer. If your calls to action are weak, vague, or MIA, you’re practically telling those leads to take their business elsewhere.

So, let’s tell those generic “Learn More” buttons to take a hike and, instead, craft CTAs that actually convert.

Think of your CTA as a mini-sales pitch. It needs to be compelling, attention-grabbing, and clearly communicate the value proposition to your visitor. Use strong, action-oriented verbs that create a sense of urgency—“Get Your Free Quote Now,” “Download Your Exclusive Guide,” or “Claim Your Discount Today.” Highlight the specific benefit they’ll receive for taking action. Will it save them time, solve a problem, or give them access to something valuable? If so, lean into that—HARD.

Don’t forget the power of personalization. Addressing the visitor by name or tailoring the offer to their interests will significantly boost click-through rates. Experiment with different button colors, placement, and wording to find what works best for your audience. Remember, even the smallest tweaks can have a huge impact on your lead generation.

Ultimately, every page of your website should have a clear purpose. Once you know what action you want visitors to take, crafting a compelling CTA becomes much easier.

The Headscratchers: Less Obvious Conversion Killers

This section? The not-so-obvious problems that’ll tank your conversions, no questions asked.

4. No Audience-Targeted Content: Are You Speaking the Wrong Language?

Ditch the generic blog posts and sales pitches that only appeal to you. It’s time to think bigger.

Here’s where many businesses go wrong: They create content based on what they think is interesting or important without really understanding who their audience is and what their pain points are.

Instead, get to know your ideal customer intimately. What keeps them up at night? What are their biggest challenges? What kind of language do they use to describe their problems? By creating buyer personas (detailed profiles of your ideal customers), you can tailor your content to speak directly to their needs and desires.

For example, if you’re a NYC-based plumber, don’t just push out content about “common plumbing problems.” Think through the eyes of your ideal customer.

Create content that addresses the specific concerns of homeowners in your service area, like “How to winterize old pipelines in New York City.” Address this highly intimate, hyper-specific pain point, and the next time they have a plumbing issue they can’t fix, you’re sure to be on the top of the list of businesses they’ll reach out to.

5. Weak SEO Strategy: Are You Even Showing Up in Search Results?

Okay, so you’re not seeing your website show up on Google when you search for relevant keywords. It’s not something to be ashamed of. It happens to the best of us. If you suspect search engine optimization (SEO) issues may be at the center of your site’s lackluster lead generation, it might be time to revisit your SEO strategy—or craft one from scratch if it’s non-existent.

In SEO, we’re essentially optimizing our website to speak Google’s language. We want to make sure our site is clear, relevant, and authoritative so Google can match it to the right search queries. This is the foundation for earning organic traffic—those free clicks from potential customers.

But here’s where many businesses miss the mark: they focus solely on keywords without understanding their context. It’s not enough to just sprinkle them in like confetti—you need to target the right keywords with the right intent. This means understanding what your ideal customers are searching for and creating content that truly answers their questions and solves their problems.

Here’s some pointers:

  • Do Your Homework: Keyword research is non-negotiable. Use tools like Semrush or Ahrefs to uncover what your target audience is actually searching for. Don’t just go for high-volume keywords; prioritize those with relevant intent.
  • Optimize Your Content: Make sure your titles, meta descriptions, and headings accurately reflect your target keywords and the content on your page. But remember, don’t overstuff. Google prioritizes quality content that reads naturally and pushes those that tempt their fate with blackhat SEO tactics.
  • Build Authority: Focus on building backlinks from high-quality websites in your niche. Guest posts, influencer collaborations, or even getting listed in relevant online directories can all contribute to your site’s authority and improve your rankings.

Remember, SEO isn’t a one-time fix. It’s an ongoing process that requires constant attention and adaptation. If you feel your site’s SEO could use an expert touch, head over to our SEO services page. We’re happy to help out, no problems.

6. Neglecting Analytics and Tracking: Are You Flying Blind with Your Website Data?

Running a website without tracking analytics is like driving blindfolded. You might think you’re on the right path, but how would you really know? Data is your secret weapon to understanding what’s working on your site (and what’s not).

Here’s the deal: you need to know where your traffic is coming from, how people behave once they land on your site, and what makes them convert into leads or customers. Ignoring this information means wasting time and money on marketing tactics that might not even be moving the needle.

Here’s how to crack your analytics into shape:

  1. Get the Essentials: Get your hands on a solid analytics tool. Google Analytics is popular, but there are alternatives focused on privacy if that’s a concern (if it is, you’re sure to find something that fits the bill in our 30 Google Analytics alternatives guide).
  2. Set Clear Goals: What actions matter most on your website? Define your conversions and start tracking them.
  3. Look for Clues: Dig into your data regularly (even a quick monthly check-in is better than nothing). Look for trends, sudden changes, and use that info to inform your marketing decisions.

Remember, you’re not just collecting data; you’re gathering clues about how to make your website work harder for your business.

7. Your Website Isn’t Mobile-Friendly: Is Your Website a Pain to Use on Mobile Devices?

Here’s a fact: worldwide, most people browsing the internet are doing so from their phones. If your website is clunky, slow, or just plain impossible to use on a mobile device, you’re not just annoying potential customers—you’re straight up losing them. No questions.

Think about your own experience. Have you ever tried to navigate a website on your phone only to find tiny buttons you can’t tap, endless scrolling to find the menu, or images that take forever to load? Chances are, you left frustrated, and that’s exactly what’s happening to your website visitors.

But it’s not just about user experience—Google also prioritizes mobile-friendly sites in its search results. So, a bad mobile experience will directly hurt your visibility. The fix? Responsive design is key. This means your website automatically adjusts its layout and elements to fit the screen it’s being viewed on, whether it’s a giant desktop monitor or a tiny smartphone.

Stop sitting on your hands. They’ll go numb. Instead, take action:

  • Test Your Site: Head back over to Google PageSpeed Insights, run another test, and scroll down the page until you see “DIAGNOSTICS.” Here, you’ll find a bunch of quick and easy ways to see if your site passes muster. If not, it’s time for some optimization.
  • Optimize Images: Large images slow down load times on mobile. Compress them or use a plugin that automatically does this for you.
  • Simplify Navigation: Make your menus easy to tap, use clear buttons, and avoid clutter that makes it hard for people to find what they need.
  • Consider a Responsive Theme: If you’re not a web developer, choose a website theme or template that’s designed to be responsive right out of the box. This saves you the hassle of having to customize it yourself.

Your website should be a welcoming space, no matter how visitors arrive. By prioritizing mobile-friendliness, you’ll improve user experience, boost your chances of ranking in mobile search, and capture more leads.

The 4D Chess Solutions: Mishaps That Aren’t Hiding in Plain Sight

This section doesn’t cover your run-of-the-mill technical hiccups. Nope. But it does uncover more insidious culprits that require big-brain solutions.

8. Missing Out on Retargeting Opportunities: Are You Letting Potential Customers Slip Away?

Don’t mean to be the bearer of bad news, but not every website visitor is ready to become a customer on their first visit. Maybe they got distracted, needed more time to think, or simply weren’t convinced by your copy or the quality of products or services. But that doesn’t mean they’re lost forever. Oh, no. That’s where retargeting gets the job done.

Retargeting is a way to reconnect with those visitors who showed interest but didn’t convert. It works by showing them your ads as they browse other websites or social media. The benefit? Retargeting keeps your brand top of mind and gently nudges them back to your site, increasing the chances they’ll finally take action.

To get started, consider:

  • Google Ads (Remarketing) Retargeting: Show ads to people who’ve previously visited your website as they browse Google Search, YouTube, or other sites within the Google Display Network.
  • Meta Retargeting Campaigns: Reach people who’ve interacted with your website or social media pages through targeted ads on those platforms.

If you’re not leveraging retargeting, you’re missing out on a powerful tool to re-engage potential customers and turn those “almost leads” into real conversions.

9. Your Landing Pages Don’t Deliver: Does Your Website Make a Strong First Impression?

Imagine you’re hungry, click on a mouthwatering burger ad, and land on a page selling tofu. No hate tofu. You’re alright. But sometimes, it’s not exactly what you were craving, right? That’s how your customers feel when your landing pages don’t deliver on the promise of your ads or search results. You’re missing out on sales, plain and simple.

Here’s how to stop wasting those precious clicks and start turning visitors into buyers:

  • Promise = Delivery: Your landing page should be a continuation of the message that got them there. Same keywords, same vibe, same offer.
  • Clarity is King: Don’t make them hunt for your call to action (CTA). Use clear, punchy language that tells them exactly what to do.
  • Less is More: Nobody reads walls of text. Your copy should be concise, highlight benefits, and use visuals that grab attention. Simple as that.
  • Test Like Your Business Depends on It (Because it Does): A/B test different versions of your landing pages. Experiment with headlines, images, even button colors—see what gets those clicks turning into sales.

Your landing page is often the first impression a potential customer has of your business. Make it a good one by making it clear, compelling, and focused on converting those visitors into paying customers.

10. Local SEO Issues: Are Your Customers Finding Your Competitors Instead?

If you’re a brick-and-mortar business or serve a specific area, your Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) is your digital storefront. But if it’s not optimized, you’re just asking for trouble. And trust me, Google notices every detail—an incorrect address, missing hours, or even outdated photos can cost you visibility in those commonly used “near me” searches.

Here’s where to start your local SEO rescue mission:

  • The Devil’s in the Details: Double, no, triple check your NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number). Even a misplaced comma can confuse Google. Does your website list “St.” but your Yelp page says “Street”? Fix it. Or, if you can’t be stuffed to do it yourself, head over to our citation cleanup page. We’ll do the dirty work for you.
  • Protect Your Brand Online: Claim your business name on social media, even if you don’t plan on posting daily. This stops imposters in their tracks and gives you control over your online presence.
  • Don’t Be a Wallflower: If someone mentions your business online but doesn’t link to your website, politely ask them to add one. It’s a simple but effective way to build credibility with Google and potential customers.

Local SEO isn’t always easy to keep up with, but don’t despair. With a few strategic tweaks, your Google Business Profile can be a magnet for local customers, putting you ahead of the competition.

Conclusion and Next Steps

By now, you’ve got a game plan. Start with the quick wins to see fast results, then tackle those deeper issues if needed. Your website is a powerhouse for your business, so don’t let a traffic slump hold you back.

But, let’s face it, SEO can get complex. If you need an expert set of eyes on the problem, Loganix is here to help. Our team will diagnose the issues and create a custom SEO plan to get your traffic back on track (and then some).

🚀 Check out our monthly SEO packages, and let’s get your website working for you again. 🚀


Hand off the toughest tasks in SEO, PPC, and content without compromising quality

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Written by Brody Hall on April 25, 2024

Content Marketer and Writer at Loganix. Deeply passionate about creating and curating content that truly resonates with our audience. Always striving to deliver powerful insights that both empower and educate. Flying the Loganix flag high from Down Under on the Sunshine Coast, Australia.