10 Tactics to Boost Your Search Visibility

Aaron Haynes
Oct 9, 2024
search visibility

Hand off the toughest tasks in SEO, PPC, and content without compromising quality

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SEO is dead.

Okay, not literally dead, but the old-school tactics regurgitated on the SERPs? They’re about as effective as a 5¼-inch floppy disk—outdated and redundant.

Let’s explore the tactics that work today, not yesterday.

1. AI and Machine Learning-Guided Content Creation

Love it or hate it, artificial intelligence is cropping its head up everywhere, and it’s proving to be a powerful tool for content creation. No, I’m not talking about ChatGPT. I’m talking about the capabilities of AI-based tools like Surfer SEO, MarketMuse, and Clearscope.

Tools such as these harness Natural Language Processing (NLP) to analyze the SERPs and suggest how to tweak, improve, and cover a topic from top to bottom.

Here’s a taste of what falls within these NLP tools’ wheelhouses:

  • Plug competitor URLs into one of these tools to dissect their top-performing content, identify keyword gaps, and uncover content opportunities they’re missing.
  • Use AI to generate detailed briefs complete with target keywords, LSI keywords, word count recommendations, and even suggested headings—all based on real-time SERP analysis.
  • NLP-based tools can analyze top-ranking content and identify patterns that make it more likely to be featured in those coveted rich results. Use these insights to structure your content, add schema markup, and increase your chances of snagging those prime SERP positions.

Don’t replace your brain with AI, but don’t stay in the stone age either. Take advantage of this emerging tech. Your search visibility will thank you for it.

2. Voice Search Optimization

“Hey, Google, find me the best Thai restaurant near me that’s open now.”

Familiar? It’s the sound of voice search taking over the world. With smart speakers, smartphones, and even our fridges listening to our every command, optimizing for voice search isn’t just a trend—it’s a necessity.

Stiff, keyword-stuff sentences won’t cut it. Voice search is all about natural language and conversational queries. People talk to their devices like they’re chatting with a friend, so your content needs to reflect that.

Think long-tail keywords and question-based phrases. It’s time to ditch the robotic tone and embrace the art of conversation.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • How would your ideal customer actually ask a question about your product or service? Put yourself in their shoes and brainstorm those conversational queries.
  • Long-tail keywords are longer, and more specific phrases are more likely to match voice search queries. Think “best Italian restaurant in Sacramento with outdoor seating” instead of just “Italian restaurant Sacramento.”
  • People often use voice search to ask questions, so make sure your content provides clear and concise answers. Think FAQs, how-to guides, and blog posts that address common queries.
  • Voice search is often used for local queries (“near me” searches), so optimize for local search with a complete and accurate Google My Business profile.

Voice search is here to stay, and it’s only going to get bigger. So, stay ahead of the game.

3. Content Freshness and Updates

Google’s algorithms crave fresh, relevant content. They want to see that you’re actively engaged in providing value to your audience, not just regurgitating the same old information. So, if you want to keep those rankings climbing, it’s time to give your content a makeover.

Here’s the deal:

  • Identify those dusty old blog posts and pages that haven’t seen an update in months (or even years!). It’s time to give them a fresh coat of paint.
  • Don’t rehash the same old information. Incorporate new research, statistics, and examples to keep your content relevant and valuable.
  • And don’t just update the publish date. Google is all over this tactic and will hand down an algorithmic penalty if you’re not careful.

Freshness is where it’s at. So, get updating and bring that search visibility back to previously well-performing pages.

4. Semantic Search Optimization

Google’s search algorithms have moved on from exact match keywords—they’re deciphering the actual intent behind a search query.

How’s this possible? Semantic search, my friend. It’s Google’s way of understanding the nuances of human language and connecting the dots between related concepts. So, ditch the keyword-obsessed mindset and embrace the art of conversation.

Here’s the lowdown:

  • Don’t get it wrong. Keywords are still important, but they’re just the tip of the iceberg. Think about the topics and themes your audience is interested in. What questions are they asking? What problems are they trying to solve? Create content that answers those questions and provides real value, not just a mish-mash of keywords.
  • Google’s AI is getting smarter every day, so write using natural language, synonyms, and conversational phrases to make your content flow and engage your readers.
  • Help Google understand the context of your content by incorporating relevant entities (people, places, things) and linking to authoritative sources.

Do away with the robotic approach and start having real conversations with your audience. It’ll give content the best chance of ranking.

5. Engagement-Driven SEO

If your content isn’t sparking conversations, shares, and likes, it’s time to turn up the volume and get your audience engaged.

Engagement-driven SEO is all about creating content that’s so damn good people can’t help but interact with it.

The more engagement your content generates, the stronger the signal you’re sending to Google that your site is valuable and relevant. And guess what? Google rewards those signals with higher rankings and increased visibility.

What’s the play here?

  • Spark conversations by injecting thought-provoking questions throughout written content.
  • Get your audience involved and gather valuable insights into their preferences and opinions.
  • Incentivize engagement by offering prizes or exclusive content to those who interact with your brand.
  • Show your audience that you’re listening and that you value their feedback.

Engagement is about building a community around your brand, fostering loyalty, and encouraging people to share your content with their networks. No more one-way communication. Instead, start a genuine conversation with your audience.

6. Programmatic SEO

Alright, let’s talk about scaling your SEO efforts without breaking a sweat (or budget). If you’re running an e-commerce site, a real estate portal, or any business with a massive amount of data, programmatic SEO might just be for you.

Programmatic SEO isn’t anything new. It’s been around for a while. But it’s seeing a resurgence, and for good reason. You see, instead of manually creating hundreds (or even thousands) of individual pages, programmatic SEO lets you automate the process, generating content based on user queries, data trends, or other relevant factors.

The result? Increased visibility, improved relevance, and a whole lot of organic traffic potential.

Here are a few examples of how businesses are using programmatic SEO to crush it:

  • For e-commerce sites, you could generate product pages based on search queries, helping users find the most relevant products.
  • For real estate portals, why not create location-specific landing pages for every city, suburb, or even neighborhood, maximizing local search visibility?
  • And travel websites? Try generating destination guides and itineraries based on user preferences and search trends.

Give programmatic SEO a shot. I mean, why not? It could seriously pay off.

7. Zero-Click Searches

Let’s face a harsh reality: Google loves to keep users on their platform, not your website. Featured snippets, knowledge panels, and PAA that give users the info they need without even having to click through to your site.

The result? Zero-click searches are on the rise, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still get a piece of the pie. Sure, zero-click searches suck. No clicks means no revenue. The upside? Zero-click searches boost your brand visibility and establish you as an authority in your niche.

It ain’t ideal, but it’s something, right?

Here’s how to snag those zero-click spots:

  • People Also Ask (PAA) identifies the questions your audience is asking and creates content that provides clear, concise answers.
  • Use headings, bullet points, and numbered lists to make your content easy for Google’s algorithms to scan and understand.
  • Don’t just answer the question—go above and beyond with additional context, examples, or data to demonstrate your expertise.

Don’t shy away from the challenge. Embrace the zero-click world, optimize your content like a pro, and put practices into place (like leaning into email and social media marketing) that turn search visibility into clicks and conversions.

8. User Engagement Metrics

Google PR be damned. Google’s leaked internal documents tell a different story from what we’ve been getting fed for years. User engagement metrics are definitely a factor in their ranking algorithm.

Google is not just looking for websites with great content and backlinks. Nope, it also wants to see that people are actually enjoying that content and sticking around for more.

And what are these mysterious metrics that Google’s been keeping under wraps?

  • Click data isn’t just about any click. Google seems to be tracking different types of clicks, including “good clicks” (those that lead to meaningful engagement) and “bad clicks” (those that result in quick bounces back to the search results).
  • Ever bookmarked a webpage in Chrome? Well, Google’s been taking notes. The leaked docs suggest they’re using Chrome user data, like bookmarks and browsing history, to gauge a website’s popularity and relevance.
  • How long people stay on your site matters. If visitors are bouncing off your page quickly, that’s a red flag for Google.

The takeaway:

  • No more fluff. Focus on providing value, answering questions, and solving problems.
  • Make sure your site is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and looks great on all devices.
  • Add calls to action, social sharing buttons, and other elements that encourage users to engage with your content.

Create a website that people love to visit and spend time on, and sit back and watch as Google rewards your efforts.

9. Building Community and Social Proof

It’s not about what you say about your brand. It’s about what others are saying.

Think of it like this: Would you rather trust a faceless corporation or a brand that’s got a raving fanbase singing its praises? Exactly.

Building a community around your brand isn’t just about boosting your social media follower count. It’s about fostering genuine connections, sparking conversations, and creating a sense of belonging that turns casual visitors into loyal brand advocates.

And guess what? Google’s paying attention. A strong community signals trust, authority, and relevance—all of which can translate into higher rankings and increased organic traffic.

So, how do you build a community that’s worth its weight in gold?

  • People can spot a fake from a mile away. Let your brand’s personality shine through and show that there are real people behind the logo.
  • Don’t just talk about yourself. Share valuable insights, tips, and resources that your audience will find helpful and engaging.
  • Show your audience that you’re listening and that you value their opinions.

Sure, building a community takes time and effort, but the rewards are worth it. A loyal following can amplify your brand’s reach, generate valuable backlinks, and boost your SEO like nothing else.

10. Generative Engine Optimization (GEO)

With the rise of AI-powered search engines like Perplexity and (at the time of writing) soon-to-be-released SearchGPT, it’s time to embrace the future.

Generative Engine Optimization (GEO) is probably the future of SEO, and it’s all about creating content that’s so damn good even the most advanced AI can’t resist it.

Here are a few tips to get your GEO game on point:

  • Structure your content around questions your audience is actually asking, providing clear and concise answers that address their pain points.
  • Help search engines understand the context and structure of your content, making it easier for them to generate accurate and informative snippets.
  • AI-powered search engines find content not just from search but also from platforms like Reddit, X, and Quora. So, spread your knowledge far and wide to maximize your chances of exposure.

GEO is just getting started. By creating content that’s both AI-friendly and human-readable, you’ll not only boost your rankings on traditional search engines but also position yourself for success on the next generation of AI-powered search platforms.

Conclusion and Next Steps

SEO is on the move. Keep up or watch as your search visibility slips.

Feeling overwhelmed? You don’t have to go it alone.

Whether you need a comprehensive SEO audit to uncover hidden opportunities or to create a killer content strategy that attracts backlinks like bees to honey, our team of experts is ready to handle the heavy lifting.

So, what are you waiting for? 

🚀 Head over to our services page, and let’s get this thing started. 🚀

Hand off the toughest tasks in SEO, PPC, and content without compromising quality

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Written by Aaron Haynes on October 9, 2024

CEO and partner at Loganix, I believe in taking what you do best and sharing it with the world in the most transparent and powerful way possible. If I am not running the business, I am neck deep in client SEO.