What Is Auto-Generated Content? Tips for SEO Success

Aaron Haynes
Feb 28, 2024
what is auto-generated content

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What is auto-generated content?—a question that resonates deeply with content creators who find themselves at a crossroads: meeting the relentless demands of search algorithms while upholding authenticity and credibility.

By investing your time here, you will gain

  1. an understanding of auto-generated content and the technology behind it,
  2. insight into the risks and rewards,
  3. and learn best practices to ensure that auto-generated content serves your goals without compromising quality.

What Is Auto-Generated Content?

Auto-generated content, including text, images, and videos, is crafted through artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning capabilities—a process carried out by specialized software tools. Natural Language Generation (NLG) is one such technique, transforming structured data into clear and coherent text. Another is Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), which are instrumental in generating images and videos.

Learn more: Interested in broadening your SEO knowledge even further? Check out our SEO glossary, where we’ve explained over 250+ terms.

Benefits and Potentials Pitfalls of Auto-Generated Content

As with everything in life, auto-generated content has both its benefits and risks. Let’s explore Google’s stance on auto-generated content and whether or not they are likely to penalize creators who are integrating AI tools into their content creation flow.

1. Efficiency and Time-Saving


Auto-generated content comes with one very tantalizing benefit—it has the potential to seriously cut down the time and effort needed to produce fresh content.


Over-reliance on auto-generated content may lead to a lack of originality and creativity in the content produced.

Google’s Stance:

Google acknowledges the role of automation in content creation, emphasizing that the quality of the content matters most, not how it’s generated. Their article on AI-generated content states: “AI has the ability to power new levels of expression and creativity and to serve as a critical tool to help people create great content for the web.”

They go on to say, “This is in line with how we’ve always thought about empowering people with new technologies. We’ll continue taking this responsible approach while also maintaining a high bar for information quality and the overall helpfulness of content on Search.”

2. Scalability


Auto-generated content tools allow for easy scaling of content production, helping businesses to expand their content output without a proportional increase in resources or manpower.


Scaling content production through auto-generation may result in a compromise on content quality and relevance.

Google’s Stance:

In the company’s spam policy, Google previously stated that using automation, including AI, to generate content that aims to manipulate search results is a violation of their spam policies.

However, they also state that: “…not all use of automation, including AI generation, is considered spam. Automation has long been used to generate helpful content, such as sports scores, weather forecasts, and transcripts. AI has the potential to enhance creativity and serve as a valuable tool for content creation. It’s important to maintain a high standard for content quality and overall helpfulness on Search, regardless of how the content is produced.”

3. Cost-Effectiveness


Auto-generated content tools may offer a cost-effective solution for businesses with limited budgets but substantial content needs.


Relying solely on auto-generated content might lead to hidden costs, such as the need for additional editing or the potential loss of traffic and trust if the content is not up to standard.

4. Content Quality and Authenticity


  • Advanced auto-generated content tools have the potential to produce high-quality content, especially when properly configured, supervised, and reviewed.


  • Auto-generated content might lack the nuance and depth that human-created content offers, potentially leading to content that feels generic or impersonal.
  • There is a risk of generating content not thoroughly researched, reviewed, or edited, which could lead to inaccuracies or low-quality content.

Google’s Stance:

Google hints at the fact that, regardless of whether content is generated by AI or humans, their focus remains on the quality of content. They aim to reward high-quality content demonstrating E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness), ensuring users receive reliable and valuable information.

5. SEO Implications


  • When used correctly, auto-generated content can contribute to a site’s SEO efforts, helping to populate a site with relevant and useful SEO content.
  • Auto-generated content tools can assist in optimizing content for specific keywords and phrases, potentially improving search visibility.


  • There is a risk of generating overly optimized content or failing to provide users with real value, which could harm a site’s performance in search results.

Applications of Auto-Generated Content in Content Operations

As Google suggests, when used judiciously, auto-generating content can streamline workflows, conserve resources, and enhance content quality. But it’s not about simply spitting out text and hitting the publish button. Artificial intelligence has much greater potential than that.

Let’s explore.

Kickstarting the Creative Process

Auto-generated tools are adept at providing a solid starting point for content creators. They can generate outlines and basic drafts, serving as a springboard for further creativity and refinement, helping to overcome writer’s block, and speeding up content creation.

Handling Repetitive Tasks

Many content-related tasks are short-form and repetitive, such as creating image alt text, meta descriptions, PPC ad copy, and product descriptions. Auto-generated content tools can efficiently handle these tasks, ensuring consistency and saving valuable time for content creators.

Fostering Creativity

Automating the more mundane aspects of content creation through auto-generated content tools frees up content creators to focus on generating innovative and original ideas.

Learn more: what is cornerstone content?

Balancing Auto-Generated and Human-Created Content

Striking the right balance between auto-generated and human-created content is the right approach.

Let’s explore how you can achieve this.

Maintain a Human Touch

While auto-generated content can significantly enhance productivity, it’s vital to retain a human touch in your content. Human-created content brings a level of empathy, understanding, and nuance that is hard to replicate with algorithms.

Use Auto-Generated Content as a Tool, Not a Crutch

Auto-generated content should be viewed as a tool to aid content creators, not replace them. The final output should always be reviewed and refined by human editors to ensure it aligns with your brand voice and meets quality standards.

Train and Supervise Your Tools

Many auto-generated content tools offer customization options. Take the time to train these tools to align with your brand voice and content standards. Regularly supervise the output and make adjustments as needed to ensure that the content produced meets your expectations.

Emphasize Authenticity

Consumers crave authenticity. Ensure that your content, whether auto-generated or human-created, resonates with your audience and reflects your brand’s authenticity. Authentic content builds trust and fosters a stronger connection with your audience.

Learn more: types of content and how to use them for SEO.

Auto-Generated Content FAQ

Q1: Are There Ethical Considerations Associated with Using Auto-Generated Content?

Answer: Yes, there are ethical considerations when using auto-generated content, particularly in maintaining transparency and avoiding misinformation. Maintaining a balance between auto-generated and human-reviewed content is crucial to upholding the authenticity and quality of the information presented, ultimately fostering trust with your target audience.

Q2: How Does Auto-Generated Content Compare to User-Generated Content?

Answer: Algorithms produce auto-generated content and lack the personal touch and authenticity that come with user-generated content, which individuals create based on their experiences or opinions. While auto-generated content can be produced quickly and at scale, user-generated content often provides unique perspectives and builds community trust.

Q3: Can Auto-Generated Content Help with Scaling Content Production?

Answer: Yes, auto-generated content can significantly aid in scaling content production, allowing for a rapid increase in content output without a proportional increase in resources. However, it’s vital to balance quantity with quality and ensure that the auto-generated content meets the required standards and provides value to the audience.

Conclusion and Next Steps

As you navigate the world of content creation, remember that tools are there to aid, not to take over. Use auto-generated content wisely, always with an eye on maintaining the high standards your audience expects and deserves.

Our team of experienced writers and content strategists is here to help you create content that not only meets but exceeds expectations, ensuring that your message is heard loud and clear. 

🚀 Check out Loganix’s blog writing services to learn more and get started on your content journey today. 🚀

Hand off the toughest tasks in SEO, PPC, and content without compromising quality

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Written by Aaron Haynes on February 28, 2024

CEO and partner at Loganix, I believe in taking what you do best and sharing it with the world in the most transparent and powerful way possible. If I am not running the business, I am neck deep in client SEO.