What Is Hypertext?

Hand off the toughest tasks in SEO, PPC, and content without compromising quality
Explore ServicesHow do hypertext and SEO interact?
It is critical to understand that without hypertext, SEOs would be unable to function. In fact, without hypertext — search engines, the internet would not exist. The world wide web is made up of hypertext, which is all text on the internet. And SEO is the reason Google returns excellent search results for our queries.
You’ve already seen them. You’ve made use of them. And you probably think you know everything there is to know about them – but I can almost guarantee you’ve only scratched the surface.
Let’s take a deep dive and delve into helping you understand what hypertext is, the importance of hypertext, what a hyperlink in SEO is, and if hyperlinks help with SEO.
What Is Hypertext?
Hypertext is a method of organizing information in a digital format that uses traditional text structures (words, sentences, pages, articles or chapters, books, and libraries) as enhanced by the numerous linkages (words to words, words to sentences, sentences to pages, pages to pages, pages to chapters, and so on) that are possible in cyberspace.
The prefix “hyper” indicates that the text contains additional information than what the reader sees.
When hypertexts are supplemented with graphics, images, audio, and video, they are referred to as hypermedia or multimedia.
Hypertexts expand and create ethical issues related to access, the implications of linking choices, and more by both enhancing and subverting traditional assumptions about the linear reading of a text (i.e., word after word, sentence after sentence, page after page).
Historical development of hypertext
Let us briefly look at the Historical Development of hypertext, to shed more insight on it.
In “As We May Think,” Vannevar Bush presented a forerunner to modern hypertext technology (1945). Bush proposed the Memex, a device that could present independent documents in much the same way that memory works, jumping from one to another, using the technology available at the time.
The term “hypertext” was coined by Theodor H. Ted Nelson in 1965 while working on Xanadu, a computer system designed to store everything ever written. He discussed the Docuverse, a universe made up of various electronic documents, including international literary works. He contended that it was necessary to be able to navigate through all of the documents and their interconnected fragments and parts. J. C. R. Licklider published Libraries of the Future the same year.
These ideas and concepts could not be realized until devices to carry them out were developed. For example, Douglas Engelbart not only proposed theoretical concepts but also played a key role in inventing devices that are now standard components of modern computers, such as the mouse, computer windows, and other graphical interfaces.
In this nascent field, developers, designers, and inventors have made significant technological advances. Among them are Tim Berners-Lee’s invention of the World Wide Web (www, the largest and most well-known hypertextual construct) and HyperText Markup Language (HTML); Peter Brown’s development of the first software guide for hypertext production in personal computers, allowing computer users of all levels of expertise access; and Bill Atkinson’s design of the HyperCard for Macintosh, which uses the HyperTalk programming language.
Below is an example of hyperlinks highlighted by arrows no.1 and no.2:
Why Is Hypertext Important?
Search engines crawl the hypertext of your web browser website to determine where it will rank on Google. This is why SEOs are critical for businesses — the higher your business ranks on Google, the more people will visit your website. For example, pages ranking #1 often have 35,000 backlinks or more according to statistics.
SEO and hypertext are critical for the internet and businesses. SEOs would be useless without hypertext. Without hypertext, the internet would be unusable. That is how hypertext and SEO interact. According to studies, leads generated by SEO have a 14.6 % conversion rate.
The ability of search engine operating systems is greatly influenced by hypertext. This is used by search engines to scan websites for keywords or search engine optimization.
Hypertext is the result of technological advances in hardware and software, as well as the inventiveness of authors who experimented with various structures. Hypertext necessitates communication networks, computers, authoring tools, and browsers that allow readers to see and interact with the hypertext on the computer screen. Hypertext also necessitates ongoing exploration of the possibilities offered by this new information framework.
Hypertext FAQ
What is a hyperlink in SEO?
A hyperlink (also known as a “link”) is a clickable reference from one point in a document to another point in the same, or different, document that a person can “click” and be taken to the referenced content in the world of computing and internet-ing. The hypertext system retrieves the related data when a hyperlink is activated.
Why use hyperlinks to build links in SEO? Backlinks continue to be an important factor in how every search engine determines which sites rank for which keywords, despite the fact that Google’s algorithms are complex and constantly evolving. Building links with hyperlinks is one of the many search engine optimization (SEO) tactics used because links indicate to Google that your site is a high-quality resource worthy of citation. As a result, sites with more backlinks tend to rank higher.
Do hyperlinks help with SEO?
To rank a website in Google (or any other search engine), you need a website that is properly built using correct on-page SEO techniques, so Google can easily understand it, and your website needs to have some kind of trust and authority – which is achieved by getting other websites to link to you, which is known as link-building.
When another website links to your website, this is known as receiving a “backlink” from that website, and this has long been the number one Google SEO ranking factor.
What is a hyperlink example?
With SEO as an example, it is clear that hyperlinks are now used for much more than just citing sources, and there are many more types of hyperlinks than just “text-based links.”
Text hyperlinks: also known as text-based links are the most visible and common type of link. Hypertext links are clickable pieces of text that you can use to navigate to another document/resource/etc.
Image links: Rather than text, image links are clickable images. Banner advertisements on websites are the most common example of this.
Inline links: also known as “hotlinks,” “hot-linking,” and “leeching” are a method of displaying a resource from another website on your own. Inline linking entails utilizing a resource on another server (someone else’s website hosted on a server you do not own or operate) and “producing” that resource on your website without actually owning or possessing the media. In the past, black hat SEOs used hot-links as a negative SEO tactic.
Anchor links: also known as “jump links,” move you from one location on a hypertext document to another in the same document. A user can quickly jump to pieces of related information by clicking on a link in a hypertext document. These are most commonly found in the “Table of Contents” section of articles or large guides (think Wikipedia).
Internal links: are hyperlinks that lead to another page on the same website.
Internal links should not be confused with anchor links; anchor links take you to a different location on the same page/URL, whereas internal links take you to a different page/URL on the same website, but not the same URL.
External links: are hyperlinks that take you to a different domain.
Fat links: are hyperlinks that lead to multiple destinations (also known as “one-to-many links,” “multi links,” and “extended links”). Many destinations are served by a single link.
Fat links can open multiple windows, tabs, or even just a dialogue box with multiple link options!
Need Help with Your Link-Building?
Hopefully, this article has given you a better understanding of hypertext.
The concept of hypertext was fundamental in the development of the World Wide Web. Web pages written in HyperText Markup Language (HTML) can be linked and cross-references done across the Internet using textual links. Ted Nelson had a far grander vision for hypertext than Tim Berners-World Lee’s Wide Web, but his project, Xanadu, is still being worked on decades later.
Loganix understands that in order for your website to rank in Google or any other search engine, it must be built correctly using on-page SEO techniques so that Google can easily understand it, and it must have some level of trust and authority – which can be achieved through hypertext and getting other websites to link to you through link building.
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Hand off the toughest tasks in SEO, PPC, and content without compromising quality
Explore ServicesWritten by Aaron Haynes on August 16, 2021
CEO and partner at Loganix, I believe in taking what you do best and sharing it with the world in the most transparent and powerful way possible. If I am not running the business, I am neck deep in client SEO.