30 Best Google Analytics Alternatives

Adam Steele
Apr 21, 2024
google analytics alternatives

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Google Analytics is a beast to tame. If you want to make smart website decisions but don’t have time to become a data scientist, there’s a better way. In this post, I share 30 Google Analytics alternatives that give you the info you need, plain and simple.

The Best Google Analytics Alternatives

Google Analytics alternatives provide targeted insights on website traffic, user behavior, and marketing performance, going beyond the core functionalities of Google Analytics. Here are my picks:

  1. Plausible Analytics
  2. Simple Analytics
  3. Fathom Analytics
  4. Smartlook
  5. Sealmetrics
  6. Chartbeat
  7. Matomo
  8. Pirsch Analytics
  9. Wide Angle Analytics
  10. Piwiki Pro
  11. Umami
  12. Fullstory
  13. Cloudflare Web Analytics
  14. Hubspot Marketing Analytics
  15. Adobe Analytics
  16. Leadfeeder
  17. Mixpanel
  18. Heap
  19. Statcounter
  20. Amplitude
  21. Kissmetrics
  22. Pendo
  23. GoSquared
  24. FoxMetrics
  25. Serpstat
  26. SE Ranking
  27. Semrush
  28. Ahrefs
  29. Mention
  30. Optimizely

Let’s explore the alternatives in more detail.

1. Plausible Analytics

Plausible Analytics offers a refreshingly simple approach to website analytics. It emphasizes privacy, speed, and a clutter-free interface. Ditch the overwhelming menus and confusing reports of Google Analytics. Plausible delivers the core insights you need (traffic, conversions, user behavior) in a format anyone on your team can understand. If you’re tired of battling for data protection compliance and want quick, actionable website analytics, Plausible is worth a serious look.


Depending on how many monthly pageviews you require, Plausible Analytics’s basic plans start at $90/year and business plans at $190/year.

2. Simple Analytics

Simple Analytics puts privacy first. Say goodbye to intrusive tracking and complex GDPR compliance headaches. Get the essential website insights (organic traffic, top pages, referrers) in a clean, uncluttered dashboard that won’t overwhelm your team. If you value user privacy and need a straightforward analytics solution that respects both your visitors and your time, Simple Analytics is the ethical, accurate alternative.


Simple Analytics’s basic plans start at $108/year, and business plans at $588/year.

3. Fathom Analytics

Fathom Analytics gives you the website insights you need, without the privacy headaches or analysis overwhelm. Get the core metrics you care about (traffic, top pages, etc.) in a simple, clear dashboard. No more cookie banners, no more drowning in data. If you want to understand your website’s performance in a way that’s both ethical and easy, Fathom has your back.


Fathom’s pricing starts at $150/year.

4. Smartlook

Think of Smartlook as a camera on your website, but way less creepy. It shows you exactly how visitors click, scroll, and interact (no personal info, of course). Instead of just guessing why people leave or get stuck, you can see it for yourself. Heatmaps even show you the most popular areas of your site. If you want to boost those conversions and create a site people love to use, Smartlook shows you exactly what to fix.


Smartlook has a free plan that includes 3,000 monthly sessions. They’re Pro plan is $55/month.

5. Sealmetrics

SealMetrics makes it easy to do analytics the right way. Get the key website insights you need—traffic, top pages, where visitors come from—without complicated privacy setups or annoying cookie banners. It’s a refreshingly simple dashboard that puts your data at your fingertips while letting your visitors browse in peace. If you want to make smart website decisions and be a good internet citizen, SealMetrics is a win-win.


Sealmetrics’s pricing starts at €9/month (about $9.60 USD) for 50,000 monthly pageviews.

6. Chartbeat

Chartbeat is like a pulse check for your content. See how people are reacting to your articles and videos the moment they hit “publish”—no more waiting around for outdated reports. Dive into audience engagement, figure out where those readers are coming from, and see exactly what’s working (or not). If you live and breathe content and need to make changes fast, Chartbeat gives you real-time insights to stay ahead of the curve.


Contact sales for pricing. Boo! 👎

7. Matomo

With Matomo, your website data is yours and yours alone. Get all the insights you need—traffic, conversions, how people use your site—without sacrificing user privacy or handing your data over to big tech. It’s customizable, super secure, and plays nice with even the strictest privacy laws. If you believe in data ownership and want more control over your analytics, Matomo is the answer.


Matomo’s pricing starts at $26/month for 50,000 pageviews.

8. Pirsch Analytics

Pirsch takes the “yikes!” out of website analytics. Get the core data you need to make good decisions—traffic, popular pages, that type of stuff—without those privacy headaches. It’s designed with those pesky data laws in mind, so you don’t have to become a legal expert. If you want to do analytics the right way and sleep well at night knowing your visitors’ data is safe, Pirsch makes it easy.


Pirsch’s pricing starts at $60/year for their Standard plan and $120/year for their Plus plan.

9. Wide Angle Analytics

Piwik PRO simplifies website analytics compliance. Protect user privacy while still getting the detailed website and customer journey insights you need. Robust reporting, secure hosting options (on-premise or cloud), and GDPR compliance out-of-the-box give you peace of mind. If you manage sensitive data or operate in a highly regulated industry, Piwik PRO puts you in control of your analytics.


Wide Angle’s pricing starts at €99.99/year (around 106 USD).

10. Piwiki Pro

Piwik PRO takes the stress out of website analytics. Get the in-depth insights you need about customers and traffic—without sacrificing their privacy or getting tangled up in complex regulations. Its reports are clear, its data storage is secure (wherever you need it to be), and those pesky privacy laws are no sweat. If you deal with sensitive data and need analytics you can trust, Piwik PRO makes it easy to do things the right way.


Piwik Pro offers a free plan. Their enterprise plan will set you back €10,995/year (that’s about $11,715 USD)

11. Umami

Umami gives you the essential website data without the bloat or privacy worries. Because you run it on your own servers, your data is yours alone. It’s fast, easy to understand, and won’t slow your website down. If you care about doing analytics the right way and love the idea of a simple, privacy-focused tool, Umami is a breath of fresh air.


Umami’s offers a free plan that includes 10,000 monthly pageviews. Their Pro plan bags you 100,000 pageviews per month for just $9.

12. Fullstory

FullStory shows you why visitors behave the way they do. Instead of just seeing what visitors do, it shows you why they do it. Recordings let you watch their sessions (no personal info, of course!), and heatmaps reveal where they click, scroll, and hover. Spot those frustrating hang-ups and confusing bits that drive people away—then fix ’em! If you want to create a website people love to use (and buy from), FullStory gives you the inside scoop.


Contact sales for pricing. Boo! 👎

13. Cloudflare Web Analytics

Cloudflare Web Analytics gives you the website stats you need, without crossing any privacy lines. No cookies, no collecting names or addresses—just the core numbers that matter (traffic, where visitors came from, etc.). See it all in real time, so you can make those quick decisions. If you want accurate website insights and a clear conscience about visitor data, Cloudflare’s a smart, secure choice.


Free. Nada. Nothing. Even if you aren’t a Cloudflare customer.

14. Hubspot Marketing Analytics

HubSpot Marketing Analytics is like mission control for your marketing. All your campaign data, content stats, and customer info live in one easy-to-use dashboard. Instead of chasing numbers across multiple tools, you get a crystal-clear view of what’s working (and what’s not). And because it talks to your CRM, you can see exactly how all those marketing efforts translate into actual sales. If you want to make smarter marketing decisions and ditch the data overwhelm, HubSpot has your back.


Hubspot’s Starter plan starts at $180/year.

15. Adobe Analytics

Adobe Analytics is a heavy-hitter for serious enterprises. See how customers interact across all your channels in real-time, drill down to the finest segments, and let the predictive tools show you what’s likely to happen next. It’s built to be customized, so you get the exact reports you need to drive big decisions. If your marketing operation is complex, and you need data-backed answers to those “what if?” questions, Adobe Analytics delivers.


Contact sales for pricing. Boo! 👎

16. Leadfeeder

Imagine if those anonymous website visitors had name tags. Leadfeeder does just that, showing you which businesses are checking you out, what they’re interested in, and how hot those leads are. Say goodbye to generic traffic reports—filter out the tire-kickers and get your sales team focused on the companies that are ready to talk. It even syncs with your CRM, so you can strike while the iron’s hot. If you’re in B2B sales, Leadfeeder is your secret weapon.


Leadfeeder offers a free plan. Their paid plan costs €99 (or $106 USD).

17. Mixpanel

Mixpanel is the inside scoop on how people really use your product. Forget just counting visits—track every button click, every feature used, and every step in your funnels. This lets you see exactly where people get excited, where they drop off, and which of your tweaks actually make a difference. Run A/B tests, target specific groups with updates, and watch those engagement numbers soar. If you want to build a product people love, Mixpanel gives you the data to get it done.


Mixpanel offers a free plan. Their paid plans start at $28/month.

18. Heap

Heap is like magic for improving your product. It tracks every single click, scrolls, and tap automatically—no more setting up complicated reports. See exactly where people get stuck or confused with session replays and heatmaps. It’s like watching over your users’ shoulders and discovering those little tweaks that make a big difference. Heap talks nicely with your other tools, too, so all that product data can live in one place. If you want to build a product people love, Heap shows you how to make it happen.


Free plan available. Contact sales for pricing on paid plans. Boo! 👎

19. Statcounter

Statcounter gives you a quick, no-nonsense snapshot of what’s happening on your website. Find out where your visitors come from, what pages grab their attention, and how long they stick around. You can even see the exact path individual visitors take, revealing those superstar pages… and the ones that make people click away. If Google Analytics is too much, and you want the important stuff without the headache, Statcounter has your back.


Statcounter’s pricing starts at €16/month (about $17 USD), while their premium plan will set you back €28/month (just short of $30 USD).

20. Amplitude

Amplitude shows you what makes people stick with your product (and what makes them bounce). Track those key actions, see how users progress (or get stuck), and build laser-focused groups to target with updates. Get the data in real-time so you can act fast and watch your engagement metrics climb. It even plays nicely with your other tools, so your whole team has the data they need. If you’re building a product and want data-fueled answers, Amplitude is, by no means, a bad choice.


Amplitude offers a free plan, while their paid plans start at $49/month.

21. Kissmetrics

Kissmetrics tracks every step a visitor takes, showing you where sales happen and where your marketing efforts fall flat. Dig into those details, target your messaging just right, and watch those conversion numbers climb. Get real-time data so you can react quickly and make changes that have a real impact on your bottom line. If you want to squeeze every bit of profit out of your website, Kissmetrics shows you where to focus.


Starting at $25.99/month, Kissmetrics’s allows users to build their own plan. You also have the option to pay as you go.

22. Pendo

Pendo puts you inside your users’ heads. See how they actually use each feature and even get their feedback right inside your app. Need to point new users toward that awesome tool they keep missing? Pendo’s got walkthroughs to save the day. The more you understand how people interact with your product, the better you can make it. If you’re a software team passionate about building something people love, Pendo helps you get there.


Contact sales for pricing. Boo! 👎

23. GoSquared

GoSquared cuts to the chase with website data. See what’s happening on your site right now, track the trends that matter, and easily spot how people are using it—all without a million confusing settings. The whole team can log in to get the data they need so everyone’s on the same page. If slow, bloated analytics tools make you want to tear your hair out, GoSquared is a breath of fresh air.


GoSquared’s pricing starts at $9/month and caps out at $99/month.

24. FoxMetrics

FoxMetrics gets to the heart of what makes your restaurant tick. See every step customers take—from browsing your website to ordering their favorite dish. Its dashboards are built just for restaurants, so you get the exact numbers you need to make those big decisions: menu tweaks, smarter promotions, and ways to turn first-time diners into regulars. If you want to boost those sales numbers and keep seats full, FoxMetrics gives you the recipe for success.


Foxmetric’s prices begin at $399/month. Their Enterprise prices are custom, so contact the sales team for specifics.

25. Serpstat

Serpstat lets you peek behind the curtain of Google. Find out which magic words bring in the most traffic (for you or your competitors), see how your website stacks up, and get nitty-gritty data for improving those rankings. If you manage PPC campaigns, it’s got the tools to stretch your budget further. Stop guessing about SEO—Serpstat gives you the data to climb those search results and leave the competition behind.


Serpstat’s pricing starts at $50/month, while their Agency price will set you back $410/month.

26. SE Ranking

Think of SE Ranking as your SEO sidekick. See exactly how you rank for the keywords that matter, get a step-by-step plan to clean up those pesky technical SEO issues, and spy on your competitors to find their weak spots. Analyze backlinks, nail down your content strategy, and get detailed reports so you can see your progress. If you want to climb to the top of Google and leave the competition in the dust, SE Ranking is your secret weapon.


SE Rankings pricing comes in at $44/month for the Essential plan and $191.20/month for the Business plan.

27. Semrush

SEMrush is like having a whole team of marketing experts at your fingertips. Uncover the perfect keywords to reach your audience, see how you stack up against the competition, and get a roadmap to fix those pesky website issues holding you back. It even digs into your paid ads and social media, showing you what’s working and where to tweak those campaigns for maximum impact. If you manage a website and want data-driven answers instead of guesswork, SEMrush has your back.


Semrush will hit you with a bill for $129.95/month for their Pro plan and $499.95/month for the Business plan.

28. Ahrefs

Ahrefs lets you reverse-engineer your competitors’ success. Figure out what keywords they’re crushing it with, see where they get their backlinks, and dissect their most popular content. But it’s not just about spying—keep tabs on your own rankings, get a step-by-step SEO tune-up plan, and tap into the topics your audience is desperate to read about. If you want to climb those search results and snag the traffic that’s currently going to your rivals, Ahrefs gives you the blueprint.


Ahref’s pricing begins at $129/month for the Lite plan and $449/month for the Advanced plan.

29. Mention

Mention is like having your ear to the ground of the internet. See what people are saying about your brand across social media, blogs, and news—basically everywhere—in real-time. Track whether the vibes are good or bad, spot those key influencers who can make a difference, and jump into those conversations fast. If you want to protect your reputation and turn happy customers into raving fans, Mention keeps you ahead of the curve.


Mention asks for $41 for their Solo plan, while their ProPlus plan costs $149.

H3: 30. Optimizely

Optimizely takes the guesswork out of improving your website. It’s more than just numbers—use it to run side-by-side tests of different page layouts, headlines, anything. See which design gets more clicks, which offer converts better, and then roll out the winner. It even lets you personalize the experience, showing different content to different types of visitors. The result? A website that’s fine-tuned to make the most of every visitor. If you’re a data-driven business and want to squeeze every bit of performance out of your site, give Optimizely a look.


Contact sales for pricing. Boo! 👎

Conclusion and Next Steps

Google Analytics is a great place to begin, but there’s a whole world of analytics tools out there. The perfect one for you depends on what questions you’re trying to answer and how those privacy settings make you feel. Don’t be afraid to play around and find the tool that clicks (pun intended 😉). The right data can transform your website, helping you make those super-smart decisions that lead to serious growth.

🚀 And hey, before you shoot off, swing by our SEO services page. We will help you take those rankings to the next level! 🚀

Hand off the toughest tasks in SEO, PPC, and content without compromising quality

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Written by Adam Steele on April 21, 2024

COO and Product Director at Loganix. Recovering SEO, now focused on the understanding how Loganix can make the work-lives of SEO and agency folks more enjoyable, and profitable. Writing from beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia.