White Label Content Marketing

Jake Sheridan
Nov 25, 2022

Hand off the toughest tasks in SEO, PPC, and content without compromising quality

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As your clients’ content needs expand, so does the demand on your agency to grow.

The solution?

Outsourcing your customer’s content needs to a white label content marketing service provider.

To help you find a white label agency that fits the expectations of your customers, here we:

  1. Define what white label content marketing is,
  2. outline the many benefits of white label content marketing,
  3. and detail the most in-demand white label content marketing services you can offer your customer base.

What is White Label Content Marketing?

White label content marketing is, well, content marketing services that are provided by one company and sold to another. The buyer purchasing the services is referred to as a reseller.

Essentially, the reseller asks as a middleman, rebranding the purchased services and reselling it to their clients as their own service.

6 Benefits of White Label Content Marketing

There are many benefits to white label content marketing. The most notable include:

  1. Expand service offerings. Improve your service offerings and deliverables that you currently offer your customer base.
  2. Focus on core competencies. Outsource the creation of non-core content so they can focus on what you do best.
  3. Bypass the hiring process. Access to a larger pool of talent and resources without the hassle of hiring new staff.
  4. Avoid unnecessary overhead. Save time, resources, and further overhead costs while still delivering high-quality content to your customers.
  5. Scale quickly and efficiently. Without the need to spend time on hiring new staff and expanding the resources needed to offer new services, you can scale your business with ease.
  6. Maintain brand identity. Outsource the creation and distribution of your products and services while maintaining brand identity.

White Label Content Marketing: 4 Services to Resell

Let’s jump into the juicy stuff.

Thanks to the support of a reputable white label content marketing partner, here are 4 services you can start offering your customers today.

1. White Label Blog Writing

To drive website traffic and secure conversions, written content still reigns supreme. Verblio’s recent survey finding respondent’s rate blog posts as their most “successful” type of content.

With this in mind, if you can offer your clients blog writing services that match their target audience’s interests, you’ll never be short of work ever again.

Thing is, any old blog post won’t be enough to appeal to readers and, perhaps more importantly, align with search engines’ ranking criteria. That’s why partnering with a reputable white label content writing expert that not only understands the in-and-outs of creating click-worthy content but also search engine optimization (SEO) best practices is imperative.

Here at Loganix, we offer just that.

Our white label blog writing services provide a comprehensive and cost-effective solution for businesses that need high-quality content on a regular basis. Our team of university-educated US and Canadian writers will produce well written, niche-specific blog posts on a variety of topics, and our editing and quality control processes ensure that all of our content meets the highest standards.

If you’d like to learn more, see everything you need to know about our blog writing services here.

2. White Label SEO Copywriting

Where blog writing tackles the creation of informative, long-form, in-depth content, and drives organic traffic, copywriting takes on converting organic traffic into leads.


Copywriting sells products or services through persuasive writing. Copywriters must be able to capture the attention of the target audience and communicate the benefits of the product or service in a way that is compelling. In order to be successful, copywriting must be clear, concise, and persuasive.

A skill in and of itself.

This is why partnering with a white label agency that is well versed in the art of creating conversion-worthy copy is so important.

An experienced copywriter will have a keen understanding of how to craft copy for digital content like ads, product descriptions, landing pages, and more.

All competences our copywriting team has.

Our copywriting team of experienced writers will create compelling, keyword-rich copy that engages and converts your clients’ target audience and regulars into paying customers.

To learn more, see our SEO copywriting services here.

3. White Label Video Marketing

Video marketing is quickly becoming one of the most powerful elements of a successful content marketing campaign. When looking at the data, the Content Marketing Institute’s recent research found that this is strongly reflected in B2C content marketing investment trends. Video-based content being the most heavily invested in this year.

With this insight in mind, it’s within your agency’s best interest to offer video marketing services.

And with the help of a white label video marketing agency, you can do just that.

A reputable white label video marketing agency creates, plans, and produces video content to promote a brand or product. This includes developing video concepts, writing scripts, shooting and editing videos, and distributing videos across various channels.

Video marketing agencies often work with advertising agencies and public relations firms to create cohesive campaigns that achieve specific objectives.

If you are not confident about capturing the perfect shot or recording your video exactly as you want it, make a professional Youtube channel and consider using an online video to make Youtube intros that grab attention and increase the average watching time to achieve this for you.

4. White Label Content Marketing Strategy

A successful content marketing strategy takes more than just publishing high-quality content. In fact, there are numerous considerations to make when developing a winning content creation formula.

Take the set of challenges highlighted by fellow B2C organizations. From creating content that appeals to various customer demographics, the ability to change course with shifting trends, and integrating new technologies as needed, a comprehensive approach to content marketing comes with a lot of considerations.

Rather than taking it upon yourself to tackle all these aspects of content marketing, why not leave it in the capable hands of an expert?

Loganix’s white label content strategy services involve helping your clients to develop and implement a plan for creating and distributing content that is aligned with their business goals. This will include securing rank-boosting backlinks, identifying key topics and target audiences, and creating guidelines for producing high-quality content. Loganix’s team of experienced content strategists helps businesses, like yourself, to create a comprehensive content strategy that will maximize the impact of their clients’ content marketing efforts.

To read more, see our content strategy services here.


White Label Services for Marketers

For more information, check out our guide to White Label Marketing Services.

Or, check out the other related services:

You don’t need to take it all upon yourself. With help from a reputable white label partner, fulfilling your clients’ expectations has never been easier.

Whether you need help with copywriting, blog posting, or developing a conversion-boosting content strategy, our team will help your business offer a comprehensive set of business offerings your clients are sure to appreciate.

To see a full range, check out our content marketing services here.

Hand off the toughest tasks in SEO, PPC, and content without compromising quality

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Written by Aaron Haynes on November 25, 2022

CEO and partner at Loganix, I believe in taking what you do best and sharing it with the world in the most transparent and powerful way possible. If I am not running the business, I am neck deep in client SEO.